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Let's Talk About Nothin' by Malachyte

I feel like a journal should be posted, but I don't have anything important to say. So let's talk about whatever!

I got a bit behind on posting art, so you're going to see an art explosion from me today, after I get back from the gym. Speaking of that, I've been going to a gym! And pretty regularly, which I'm a bit surprised at myself over, since big rooms of strangers make me p. nervous. I'm in pretty good shape as it is, but my running endurance is preeeetty low, and my arm strength is nonexistent. I'm tired of being totally useless whenever Toby and I have to move to a new place, and I can't lift my half of the couch, ha ha. I started out at a struggling 10lbs on this one deltoid machine thinger, and now I'm managing 15lbs finally, so there's some progress at long last.

My garden is going... going, currently. I planted seeds at the end of March, but my housemate's dogs broke into the enclosure and stomped them all out because they wanted to see what this secret dirt patch was all about. We bought some baby plants and replaced them just last Thursday, and so far they're not dead. They feel a little limp, but I could just be overly nervous. I seriously do not have a green thumb u.u;;

Been listening to/watching a lot of Let's Plays while I draw, recently. I caught up on the mighty backlog of Game Grumps I still had a few months ago, so I've been branching out more. I learned of a youtuber called Cryaotic and I just adore his narrative style. He mostly plays indie games, I guess? And like horror and visual novel style games. While I do enjoy GG and Markiplier, they tend to ignore most of the things happening in a game while they yell and react to it, so it's refreshing to have a player who turns the game volume up, let's the cut scenes play, and just takes it all in. I definitely recommend watching the playthrough of Dandelion. It was so funny and entertaining, I can't even take it. Seriously one of the best things I've seen in a while. It's still running, too.

Okay, I think that's enough rambling about my daily life. I feel like my journals over the last few months have been entirely about commissions and business and art, and it's getting far too impersonal up in this gallery. I thought about doing one of those TMI Tuesdays, but I realized I don't really want to give out TMI, ha ha. Just isn't for me, I think. I'll try to post more about the artist behind the markers, though, because I do like to come across as a human, and not an art machine.

Now, tell me a little something about you. Seen any good Let's Plays lately? Do you garden? Do you hate plants altogether and wish you'd never seen one in your life because of the tragic past you hold between your childhood self and a bean sprout? Tell me in the comments.

Let's Talk About Nothin'


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    That bean sprout was evil! Evil I say! Don't remind me about it! D:
    I have a garden too! I also planted seeds in March but had to keep them inside because where I live it was too cold to put them outside until like a week or two ago, or else there would have been a risk of frost killing them. They didn't look super great when I saw them last (I'm at college right now so my mother is taking care of them for me) so I'm hoping now that they're outside they're getting more sunshine and fresh air. I think they were just getting too crowded in their little biodegradable pots by the window.

    I'm only watching a couple of Let's Players right now: PBGGameplay/PeanutButterGamer and SlimKirby. I should probably find more, but I only like watching games I've already played because of nostalgia I guess, and I wouldn't want a game to be spoiled for me if I might play it later.

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      My seedlings were the same way. I started them indoors because we live on the coast, where cold winds hit at times. They sprouted, then got really scraggly, but I finally hardened them off to outdoor weather and they spent their first night outside last night. They perked right up! Once they're outside, they might need more water, so make sure you/your mom knows that.

      PBG is definitely on my watch list. And yeah, most of my favourite videos are for games I already played, ha ha.

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        I live in the midwest so our winters are really long and cold. I'm glad yours are doing well; I get to go home tomorrow and I'll see how my guys are doing outside. What stuff are you growing? I planted mostly veggies and a couple of flowers. The flowers didn't really grow at all except for the sunflowers which were doing really well.

        PBG's pretty funny haha.

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    i watch nerdcubed because he's smarmy

    an i have no plant based interesting things to say at all.

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    Those damn bean sprouts......

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    I need to get to a gym myself... or just stop eating so much. And healthier. Or all three. As for lets plays and what not, I use Markiplier as my background noise for most things these days. I don't have much of a presence on youtube aside from music every now and then, though. Honestly, youtube is far too distracting for me, and I REALLY don't need any help with that.
    I am going to start growing some carnivorous plants because I have been wanting to do so ever since I created my Drosera character, but I haven't really thought much about gardening at all other than that.