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Tell me about yourselves by Ajna

I like what Weasyl has to offer, but it's so quiet here compared to FA. I want to make a solid effort on trying to be active here, and I think it'd help if I got to know my followers here a little better. Who are you? What's something you'd like me to know about you? Did you follow me from FA? Or are you a shiny new Weasyl watcher? Feel free to ask me questions as well. c: I'm going to run some errands here soon, but I'll reply as soon as I get home.

I'll start with something quick. I'm 24, live in Southern Florida with my husband and two cats. I'm currently fostering two stray/abandoned kittens and I'm expecting a baby in February. I enjoy playing video games and browsing art. I am a very confusing mixture of incredibly lazy and very eager to get work done, and prone to over working myself. Look forward to hearing about you!

Tell me about yourselves


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    Oh, congratulations on the baby! :D

    As of writing this I am 19, living on the North Coast of New South Wales, Australia with my mother, four cats and a hen. At the start of this year I attempted to move to Auckland, New Zealand, but plans unfortunately didn't work out. I am an electronic musician, certified with a level II in Sound Production, aiming to repeat and obtain a level IV in Screen Media. I am terrified of octopi.

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      I'm so curious! Did you purposefully seek out this hen to have as a pet, or did it kind of just happen?

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        My mother is into natural living, health foods and self sustainability, so the chicken is our source of eggs. We used to have two but one ended up being a rooster so we had to get rid of him (local town, noise problems).

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    Congratulations on the expecting baby. Being a father of 5 I will give one word of advice you will not like... People will say that kids are horrible when they are two, sadly the age of three is much worse because they will start to reason and plot. I am an adult that still does not know what to do with his life. I have two degrees in Education, taught for 10 years and then decided to go into IT and will graduate with a Network Admin degree next week. As for Weasyl, I am giving it an honest go this time and trying to create a positive presence here. Good luck with your art and again on becoming a parent. :)

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      I think the horribleness mostly depends on your parenting style and how you deal with your childs behavior. My sister gets mad when her kids act out, so they get mad too. My sister-in-law makes discipline into a game and both her and her son are happier because of it. We'll just have to see how my kid and I interact, but I'm not scared!

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        Getting upset or mad is really useless when it comes to little kids. It sounds like you have some good people in your life that you can go to which is always a good thing. Take care.

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    I'm a long time lurker who followed you from FA. I love the format on Weasyl and have been making a concentrated effort to find all the artists I watch on FA on Weasyl too.

    Personally; I'm a happily married 30 year old from Oregon. I don't art much myself, but I commission artists like money grows on trees, and my wife makes beautiful handwoven wire jewelry. I'm a full time student who finally got his head out of his ass and is finishing his degree in Network Administration and Security. No kids; but we have 2 long-haired dachshunds and a Norwegian forest cat.

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      Haha, thank you for supporting us artists. :P I'm addicted to buying commissions myself, but I try so very hard not to just because I'm not in a good position to spend yet. One day, though.

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    I came here from FA. I'm trying to be more active here, so I'll probably end up faving or commenting on things here and not there :P

    I am techy, currently working on several projects including a video game, my commission tracking website, and an actual physical trinket: a miniature digital con badge as a precursor to a more full size one.

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      Yeah, I don't actually look at submissions here much... I'm hoping to change that. Maybe I should restrict favoriting to this site until I get in the habit of coming back more.

      What kind of game are you working on? :o

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        A cyberpunk type hack-n-slash kind of like Diablo 3 (but better, of course :P )

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          Nice! I loved Diablo 2, and liked D3 enough to play to the end. Is it gonna be a furry game, or not as niche?

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            It will be :3 It's a long way off though, and I haven't heard from the guy doing the story in a bit, but we were both pretty excited for the project.

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    I have been watching you on FA for ages. I like this place and I am happy you are here too ~~~
    I'm 25, game and music software developer aswell as general purpose handyman who can repair anything. Currently building a really kickass amplifier. I draw every once in a while aswell, been putting lot of effort into digital painting ~~~~~~

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      It's awesome being a handyman! My dad is the best I know, and my husband can figure most things out as well. It makes me want to be able to fix things, so I give it a try now and then. I'm not nearly as handy unfortunately. :P

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        It comes with experience. The more you do the better you get. So, keep at it, maybe you'll teach them a thing or two ~~~~~

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    I've been watching you on FA for a while, and I quite like this site's layout, though generally submitting art and journals feels like a bit more of a chore here (though, probably because I'm not as familiar with it) and the community isn't nearly as well-developed, though that's just a matter of time.
    I'm 29 (god I feel old), living in Toronto and working as a bank teller after having slogged through a half a decade of phone support in Ottawa. I have a BA in Anthropology (not that it's done me much good), and have been drawing regularly since about 2005, when the community at the webcomic Altermeta inspired me into starting to doodle, and now - somehow - I have well over 1500 watchers on various sites. Looking to throw myself a bit more thoroughly into my art now, though, instead of keeping it an idle hobby :o
    Congrats on the baby!! :D I have a few friends who're expecting around the same time, incidentally. T'is the season!

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      The only thing I hate about uploading anything is that I'm not familiar with the markdown formatting yet, and to refresh myself, I have to go hunting for it, as it's not linked to from the submission page. I'll learn in time though.

      And thanks! I actually planned the baby more than the typical parent does.. I was really hoping the due date would be in Feb because my husbands birthday is in March and mine is in April.. :P Most people plan a baby by waiting for money and things to settle down and then just do it but I tried to get the month down as well haha! And what do you know, I did it! Assuming he's not late.. If he decides to hang around for an extra week, we might have a March baby!

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    Hopefully this goes better than your friend application thingy a while back. =p

    Oh shoot. Now I have to talk about me... uh I'm a student studying Computer Science. Almost done, and then I need to figure out what the heck I'm going to use the degree for. I'd like to do video game development, but that's my stretch goal.
    What else... I help with development here on Weasyl. It's a great team and I can't wait to see what the future holds!
    Anyway, hope to see you around here more often!

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      Seeing as that one resulted in hundreds of comments and emails, and this hasn't even broke 10 yet, I think it'll be okay. :P

      One of these days I hope to really dig my hands into game development, but I need to work on my confidence first. I hope to be around here more often. We'll see. It's too bad everyone comes here in droves and then leaves. It's a lot easier to stay when there's activity, so I'm going to try to make my own activity by commenting more.

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    Oh, I love these. Grats on the baby, too, cause little ones are amazing.

    31, has mechanical arms IRL (or so I like to pretend), lives in Mouselando FL with his shiba inu and imaginary friends who live in his closet, and may or may NOT be one of those annoying people who call you up while you're busy and tries to sell you stuff you don't want. Enjoys long walks in the park, sunsets, writing, gaming, and people who purchase things from pushy salespeople over the phone.

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      Oh hey, a Florida person. I'll be in Orlando tomorrow for Freeplay Florida c:

      As for your mechanical arms, are they purely pretend or is there something to it? My fiance broke his arms earlier in the year and had to get rods inserted and so now we say he has robot arms (even though there's nothing robotic about them, but it's just fun to say!)

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        I'm trying so hard not to laugh, but that's kinda funny. I just have big hands so I incorporated them into my 'sona as huge mechanical mitts. It sounds cool, though, you can say you're married to a RL cyborg. Also, my condolences for having to come to Orlando j/k tho. Maybe.

        I'm kind of a layman to these things, so I'll have to ask then consult Google. What's Freeplay Florida? Can I eat it?

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          Ahaha, I actually hate Orlando. At least, the traffic. I've only ever been there for events or park visiting, so maybe that's why, but I've never enjoyed being there.. :P

          Freeplay Florida is I guess a convention? It's an event where you pay a fee to get in and you have access to hundreds of arcade and pinball games all set on freeplay. I think there are panels and such too.

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    You should already know me. :P Hello dar :D

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    25, starving artist, penchant for overworking myself and not taking days off when i should (and then taking days off when i shouldn't)
    I've been paying all my bills on art xD
    Moving very slowly over here from FA (followed you from there) and hoping Weasyl becomes more active tbh.

    UHM got 2 kitties, one i'm not supposed to have but he's a cutie so i don't care 8'D
    and idk, i'm not super interesting as a person i guess XD unless someones not an artist and meets me then its like INTRIGUE, but yeah, not a lot of fun stories here.

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      Ha, that first part is exactly me. Overworking myself and not taking enough days off, but then taking days off when I shouldn't. Good times. Who says you can't have the kitty? Landlord?

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        Yeah it's like $400 for the pet deposit and my cat we had to pay for.the kitten we sorta smuggled in and smuggle out when inspection comes up xD

        And in our defense as artists, once we're on a roll it's hard to stop us in the middle of things xD then we keep going till we're satisfied, the burn out lol!

        At least that's my story :B

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    Who are you? What's something you'd like me to know about you? Did you follow me from FA? Or are you a shiny new Weasyl watcher?

    I'm Jade, 21 year old Massage Therapist (and health educator). I'm shy, or rather I get nervous talking to people because I always assume that everything I type is either nonsense or offensive even when I try really hard to be as polite and eloquent as possible. You know me from FA (kinda ^.^'), and I've been here for a while because FA isn't very reliable. Let's see... Um... Pets! I... don't have any at the moment but my mate's family has 3 cats and a dog so I have them in the same house as me ^.^ They're all rescue or shelter cats, same with the dog. Two of the cats are boys (Luke is the oldest at about 14, Gus is the second oldest at about 7) then the remaining cat and the dog are girls (Argyle aka Kitten Cat and Lily the min-pin). I love them all sooo much~ My cat passed away in April, and I'm still not over it T.T That said, Luke is my mate's cat so I've snuggled and pet him a lot more since my baby passed.

    OH! And I'm usually really blunt, so sorry if it comes off as offensive, I'm just not always the best at being delicate.

    If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask ^.^

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      Ahh, I went to school for massage therapy and did well. I enjoyed it, but I never followed through with it as a career due to a messed up wrist. :( It's still bad to this day. I need to have it looked at. It's good enough for me to draw with, but I can't apply any pressure. I give my husband massages now but I mostly rely on using my elbows so I don't hurt myself.

      I'm so glad to hear all your household pets are rescues ^^ Lucky babies. On the one hand, I'm so glad cats can live into their 20s, as I want to spend as much time as possible with my own cats before they pass. However, I can only have the two at once and it makes me sad. :( I wish I could take ALL the kitties into my home. That's just not feasible though, so it makes me happy to know that others are getting their pets from shelters too.

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        Oh no! Wrist injuries are the worst >.< But Elbow work is awesome =D

        I wish all of them were from the shelter; Gus was from a box left in the rain and my baby who passed was from a house with some squatters. They had rough starts, and so Gus has asthma and hip problems, and my Monte died because his kidneys failed (since he had a nasty infection as a kitten). I'm hoping to get a shelter cat with my mate when we move out on our own, because I have the feeling that her cat, Luke, will pass before we move.

        Oh man, I love animals soo much <3 They make life worth while =D

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    Hi there!
    Followed you from FA. More of a watcher/faver than commenter, but trying to change that! About me... let's see... 35 yo California native now living in France with the hubby. We have 10 dogs and 3 cats that we consider "ours" - my in-laws (do they count too?) run a dog kennel. Oohh, wait, make that 14. I forgot to count the month-old carpet sharks that are waiting for adoption. I'm a novice leather worker, love gaming (that's how hubby and I met), and gardening. I'm a pretty straightforward person, a little anti-social although I try to at least be polite, and usually can't think of what to say on these types of things :)

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      Wow! What is a kennel? I only know of it as a cage type thing that you put dogs into. Is it a shelter?

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        Ah, well depending on where you're from, the cage is called a kennel too, but the in-laws basically take care of people's dogs and/or cats while they are on vacation or otherwise unable to. We are able to care for about 50 dogs at any one time. They have basically a small room to themselves (or to family if an owner has several dogs) with a little outdoor enclosure attached and a doggy door for free access. We do have a few shelter dogs that were abandoned and unable to re-home despite their sweet dispositions, so they've kinda been adopted by us too ^.^

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    Bit of a lurker myself but followed from FA from another account.
    I just enjoy your arts so I like to see them.
    I used to comment on art a ton but I've since eased back on it and kind of stay quiet these days.
    From California myself so other part of the world and all.
    I'll be 30 first thing in Dec gah, I'd rather skip it this year though lol. (Least till I finish one of my better game projects xD)
    Bit of a game dev/journalist, wanted to do more arts but never pushed myself enough, though I'd probably just draw cheetahs all the time anyway.
    I keep up with the indie game dev scene the most but I like to think I know my stuff.
    Mostly stick to indie games and classics but the occasional mainstream game catches some interest.
    Do a little streaming too but not as much as I probably should heh.
    Pet wise I have a Pit Bull Basset Hound mix dog, well something close, great dog.
    Cat likes to sit on my shoulder though, has a single patch of non white fur over his face like a mask.
    I'm a bit of a quiet person but I can talk non stop if given the chance and tend to over analyze or over think things, I try not to though.
    Like to think of myself as a very honest and good person but never feel like I do enough, I guess thats a good sign.

    Ahem anyway, congrats on the baby (don't have any kids myself but I'm told I'm a good uncle) and hope to see more arts, I do enjoy your art style. :3

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      Nice! What kind of game are you working on? I'm a total novice as far as games go, but I really, really want to get around to making one with my husband one of these days. I over complicate everything though, so I end up pushing it off. ~_~

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        Sorry for the late reply, was very busy then.
        I'm planning a shoot em up at the moment, though I tend to bog myself down with too many ideas.
        Overall I'm focusing on frame works and junk but I want to make a shoot em up like the Cotton series and Fantasy Zone series combined and a few unique shoot em up system concepts I really wanna try. (More skilled players rewarded for attempting to save the enemy instead of destroying them, stuff like that you don't see often)
        Its a work in progress and still need to practice a lot.
        So far I keep lowering the limits for the project to lower res retro styles, to make it look authentic and make production much easier.
        I suggest trying that too.
        Research the limits of the Gameboy screen size and spire colors, sprite limits even and avoid rotation effects and you'll end up with an easier time making a prototype you can always upscale and improve later.
        Least that's my plan anyway once I get one finished lol.
        I also want to suggest using the Unity3D engine (lots of nice plugins free and for low cost), CraftStudio and the many game makers on steam these days.
        All great for prototyping and practice though Unity3D seems to be my engine of choice these days due to portability.

        Ahem but anyway never hurts to play around with the tools.
        I'm no pro but I wouldn't mind pointing ya in the right direction if ya have problems or need examples etc.

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    Ohey! Congrats on the baby!

    Well, I'm 24 and am from Indonesia. I'm watching you here because I'm also watching you on FA. I'm pretty much having a slight OCD issue here where I have to do things perfectly. But as of now, I'm just one lazy wolf. I love video games and browsing artwork hence why I'm being here as well.

    I like your art because you have a wonderful style. And you try to keep it as simple as possible in my view but it is still beautiful. That's what I like about your artwork.

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    I live in the heart of silicon valley and I run the internet for a living. It was a long road to get here, but I'm really glad I stuck with it.

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    Well let's see. I am Stoker and I definitely followed you on FA as well! I am fond of bats and blushing and bottomlessness (the Three Bs), among many other things. I am also extraordinarily fond of spookiness in general. Lord, do I love me some spookies. I have a Dracula obsession about a mile long and know more about the subject than any healthy or sane individual should. And I am one of those many, many people who have a surplus of ideas and a deficit in the energy to act on them, haha.

    Can't think of any questions to ask, but it might be a while before I get a chance to really respond to them anyway! I'm sure something will come to me.

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    That last little bit describes me perfectly! hahaha I actually think I started following you on Tumblr then followed you to FA then randomly stumbled on a piece of your art here and was like OH HEY AWESOME. I do wish I could be more active here, there's just...not as much incentive. Though I am going to stop doing art commissions so at least now it won't be 'well if I only post on weasyl I won't get business' -shrug- rambling a bit. I'm a housewife with a stepson (he's basically my son though) and a million pets haha I'm always eager to make new friends, but usually too anxious to start conversations. I've been doing a lot better lately though and it's really been great for me. :D Congrats on the baby!