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Jurassic World by Rainbow Apocalypse

There will be lots of Dino on Dino fighting, as some of the Dinos are “good guys” that are trained by Chris Pratt’s character. The raptors and T-Rex are among the “trained” good dinosaurs. The big bad dinosaur has instant camouflage abilities, like the cuttlefish, so he blends into the background, is smart like the velociraptor, uses his jaw like a snake, and can terrorize like the T-Rex. Does this mean the new Dino will be the ONLY “bad” one? Or will there be more than one? Unconfirmed, but it will be the catalyst that kicks off the peril.
Business is good at the park, but the powers that be start to dream up new ways to keep customers coming back; namely by splicing Dino DNA with other Dinos (and other species). That becomes the problem. They splice together a T-Rex, raptor, snake, and cuttlefish to create a monstrous new Dino that, of course, gets loose and terrorizes the park. Nothing like a little greed and human arrogance to ruin a good thing, right?

Ok... Lets keep calm and look at this piece by piece:
The raptors and T-Rex are among the “trained” good dinosaurs.
.......... Oh, I'm sorry, I was just taking a drink. See, I became an alcoholic before I finished reading that line. But seriously, there is so much wrong with this sentence alone, I could make a journal just about that.

The big bad dinosaur has instant camouflage abilities, like the cuttlefish, so he blends into the background, is smart like the velociraptor, uses his jaw like a snake, and can terrorize like the T-Rex.
Causal detected.

Business is good at the park
Wow, I must have really forgot a lot from the last three movies! I'll have to watch them again.

That becomes the problem. They splice together a T-Rex, raptor, snake, and cuttlefish to create a monstrous new Dino that, of course, gets loose and terrorizes the park.
Even though that sounds like the plot to a sci-fi original movie, I admit it will be funny to watch a bunch of people get swallowed by a camo-snake-rex, right before the children save the day with hacking, smoke grenades and hacked smoke grenades. But in all seriousness I can't for the life of me figure out why they spliced it with a snake. T-rex could already eat people and regular sized animals whole. ...Unless, unless it's not the size of the T-rex. Oh god, it's also part cephalopod. Watch, it's white to XD

Nothing like a little greed and human arrogance to ruin a good thing, right?
Now I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was funded by anti-genetics propaganda to stop modified crops or something.

So yeah, this is being filmed right now. I don't know if this sounds a lot worse or a lot better then the original JP4 script that had dino-humans, but.. yeah, I don't know what to think aside from my comments above. What do you think?

Jurassic World

Rainbow Apocalypse

Journal Information



  • Link

    That is quite sad, what a weird angle that decided to do...

  • Link

    ....There's only one way to deal with this news.

    -nukes from orbit-

  • Link

    -Prays to Raptor Jesus that this movie turns out to be so bad it's good-

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      Only the Velocirapture will salvage it.

  • Link

    Maybe listening to the dialogue will be like listening to the dialogue in Titanfall? Lol. XD

  • Link

    I only read your snippet and your journal and I am laughing like its a bad fanfic and also I feel pain.

  • Link

    ... This is bad. Really bad.
    And it's also kinda boring. Like the uninspired plot for some random B-Movie.

    • Link

      Also...Didn't they had camouflage dinosaurs in that horrible tekken-anime? Yes. Yes they had!
      Jurassic World has the same villains as a bad animated and boring Fighting Tournament Anime based on a Videogame. This says A LOT.

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    There are probably worse ways to piss over the works of Michael Crichton, but if they exist, I haven't seen them.

  • Link

    Sounds like a giant disappointment. I've been hoping for a sequel for so long and hearing this is just...ugh. Sounds like a giant let-down.