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A Friendly Comment by Iridium

After the wave of movement from FA to Weasyl, things have quieted down. Some of us who made the move have held true to the reasons, like me. I won't be going back to FA for quite some time, which has really hurt my opportunities to get commissions simply because very few people advertise their openings here. I have spend quite a few dollars, in the triple and quadruple digits, a year on commissions in the past and I am comfortable doing so in the future. But that's dried up since I rarely see anyone advertise their openings here. It may not have the pay off that advertising on FA does, but certainly there is a net positive to advertising your services on Weasyl as well as FA?

So artists, if it is not too much to ask, advertise on more than one website? I know the last time I made a journal like this it was interpreted as the stupidest most selfish thing I could have ever done, so I do this with more than a little hesitation and trepidation. But really, I have monies, and I am willing to exchange them for art, but only if I know you're available. Thank you.

A Friendly Comment


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    What kind of things are you looking for?

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      My FA gallery is still up, it's a good collection of examples.

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    I agree that it's a shame more artists don't advertise here. It'd take little more than a quick copy-paste, so not very difficult or time-consuming. A few are actually only advertising outside FA, like Naoki, and at least in his case it doesn't seem to have hurt his demand much.

    If worst comes to worst, would it be too great a violation of your principles to just browse for commission journals on FA, then contact the artists outside the site?

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      Oh I do browse FA still. I just don't use it for posting or communicating or anything. I have tried to bid on auctions there when the artist is here. It worked to a point. There are some methods to mitigate it, and some artists are on both places, but not all.

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    I know a few of the artists who take commissions here on Weasyl. Though I must say I wishes that more of the artists who have a presence here indeed advertised when they take commissions.

    This said, here are a few of those I know of who takes(and often advertises here that they do) commissions. Some even occasionally offer Weasyl-exclusives:
    Whitemantis Whitemantis AggroBadger AggroBadger autogatos autogatos rwolfe rwolfe Happysorry Happysorry

    Plus there is also AmberAria AmberAria who frequently advertise commissions streams here(in fact, perhaps moreso than on furaffinity) that is frequently open for commissions as well.

    And finally I also take on commissions myself, generally through daily commissions streams on Picarto.
    At the end, I'd suggest looking around the journals browsing section(god do I often bless this site for this feature), and then watch what advertising artists produces on their own gallery to see what kind of artists might work best for what you desire in terms of commissions.

    This said, thanks for actually advertising you're looking to commissions artists. I know a lot of the people who give up on this site or never bother advertising here does so because they often simply think there is a clientele here... even though I'd known a few people complain about the fact artists they watch sometimes advertises anywhere except this site like you were mentionning yourself.

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    I don't advertise being open often, but I usually am.
    In fact I'm looking right now if you're interested, and I'd love to work with you again.

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      We should discuss!

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    Asking artists to inform you when they're ready to take your money is selfish? I don't know what planet I'm living on any more. As an aside, I'm immeasurably pleased to see someone sticking to their guns on having left FA.

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      See here: for my earlier attempt at suggesting things to artists about more on when to post openings for commissions. And thanks.

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        I know that a lot of artists were concerned about leaving FA as a potential hit to revenue, but... when you don't advertise, it's self fulfilling prophecy. The rest I can't really say in polite company. XD

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    I'd be willing to draw a picture for you. Only doing requests at the moment though if that's okay. ^^;

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    I definitely agree. I don't have money myself, but a few furry friends owe me Christmas and birthday presents. If i saw artists advertising here more, I'd look at them.

    I also write, so I am quite willing to do trades for a simple sketch or something. I need to get some work of my own done and advertise this fact.

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    I myself rarely advertise as is only cause I'm like litterally always open. Yet no one really cares for the service it's always on the table.