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Huh. Interesting. by technicolorpie

So I was reading about webcomic artists behaving badly and found out about this Penny Arcade stuff that happened a couple years back:

I don’t feel comfortable attending PAX,” Love wrote. “If I felt like I had a choice in the matter, if I could reach the awesome people I did while I was there without supporting the other figurehead behind the show, I would absolutely not be there. But I don’t. You’ve made it so in order to make a decent living for myself in videogames, I’m obligated to show up. That’s why I was there. It wasn’t because I felt comfortable, nor was it because I felt okay supporting your organization.

Gee, people being made to feel uncomfortable by the head honchos making terrible decisions and ignoring the feelings of others but unable to pull out of something because they know they'd lose a huge chunk of exposure. Familiar.

Also man the more I hear about Krahulik and his gross ass opinions the worse I feel I used to love Penny Arcade back in the day.

Huh. Interesting.


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  • Link

    Yeah, the whole story is pretty gross, and no matter how many times Krahulik says he's learning, he somehow manages to stick his foot further into his mouth.

  • Link

    Ugh, yes, Krahulik is just an awful human being from all I can tell. And I don't really care for Holkins much, since he tends to play yes-man and/or silent accomplice when Krahulik is on one of his hate-benders. I haven't gone to PA for quite awhile now because they're so awful; they're kind of representative of a lot of what I hate in the videogame industry.

    And yes, a certain other website debacle does feel parallel, doesn't it?

    • Link

      You can't tell me so-and-so wouldn't think making t-shirts mocking certain upset parties was a great idea.

      • Link

        Christ, now I can't un-see the parallels.

      • Link

        RIGHT?! Dimes to dollars some asshole does it for next FAU or whatever.

        • Link

          There was already at least one comic making light of it that Zaush favorited, so we're already pretty close.

          • Link

            Ugh. I just... ugh. People are so gross and ugly.

          • Link

            PS: I know this is kind of ridiculous seeing as I only know you through your comics and whatnot but I have to say seeing you getting sick of it all and moving to Weasyl was kind of really important to me because you always struck me as a reasonable person that I agreed with on a lot of stuff. So while I obviously wasn't happy to see you (or anyone) so upset and disgusted with it it felt kind of... I don't know, validating? Like, Pie sees a problem and she knows what's what and so it validates the awful churning in my gut whenever I think about the whole thing.

            I don't know, that's probably babbling. ANYWAY I just wanted to say that you're a cool, good person and so seeing you move to Weasyl was kind of the last straw for me going "Yeah, I'm out of here" with them as well.

            • Link

              Oh my gosh, I'm blushing over here. I got a couple bits of flak on that leaving journal this week that made me feel pissy as hell so it's really touching to hear something like this. I appreciate it.

              I don't have any plans to return. Even if everyone does pack up and return I won't hold it against them, but - I can't. It's too gross a feeling even checking in there now.

              • Link

                Okay good I was worried I was treading the line into creepy. XD And yeah, I don't think I could move back over there at this point even if I wasn't enjoying the Weasyl community more. I just feel like the community there has shown their true misogynist colours and I can't.

    • Link

      Cept PennyArcade thought it'd be a GREAT IDEA to make tee-shirts about it.

      • Link

        Yeah. That was a particularly hard-headed bit of assholery that I just.. whyyyyyy why would you do that ugggggh people are the worst

        • Link

          Of course they are. :P Every time there's an article detailing some storm and how a family's house has been destroyed, there's at least one person saying "You deserved it - you live there."

  • Link

    yeah penny arcade is pretty gross these days

    ben kuchera tended to have a lot of horrible opinions too

  • Link

    I've been following the PA Dickwolves thing for a while now, I can't remember the number of incidents where this crept up it's ugly maw, but one interview was with the Business manager who had regrets about not taking Krahulik to a PR Guy or talking to him about making certain comments as even if he answers in a candide fashion it can still blow up and make PA look bad. Which it does with a remarkable frequency, generally PA reacts to criticism by mocking whoever is making it about them. Which worked for Jack Thompson (because fuck 'em) but hey, if all you have is a hammer at the drawing board all those pieces of paper really do look like nails.

    • Link

      The shit he says probably would've flew back in the early 00s with repercussions but the web scene has changed and he's going to have to learn to change with it or step out of it.

      • Link

        This is really the heart of everything. All of this, Penny Arcade, Furaffinity, Whatever, would've totally flew in 2000, and some people might've even thought it was a little funny. From what it felt like back then, "rape" was not even a real thing that really happened to real people, it was a joke that happened when you got destroyed in Halo or wandered into a japanese anime.

        But we're not in 2000 anymore. Times change. People are more connected than they ever were, and as a collective internet society, we've decided that it's not OK to say that sort of thing even as a joke. If you do, you're a shitty person, even if you did it back in the day.

        Some people have a hard time dealing with that, and I can understand them getting mad about it. After all, it used to fly way back when. But times change, the world moves on, and it doesn't make them any less shitty.

  • Link

    It always sucks when you find out people you admired are actually fucking douchecanons.

    • Link

      Yeah, luckily I wasn't too into the comic but just found it amusing now and again.

    • Link


      • Link

        Ahaha. I meant to type canoe and typed 'canon' Tho it had have been better if I'd typed cannon. But you made a good joke anywa xD.

  • Link

    He actually wrote up an apology about this whole situation not too long ago, though it's a bit on the late side. I still feel a bit bothered by how poorly the entire situation was handled.

  • Link

    I just wanted to put this out there:

    I dunno, the guy has done and said some really rude things, but I also recognize how EASY it is to end up having things you say and do blown way out of proportion and having to do cleanup for harmless jokes like "dickwolves", and that can really set a person on edge and make them more prone to saying and doing stuff that really marks them in a bad light. I'm not going to try to defend everything he's done but I can at least see how an otherwise good person could end up doing that stuff given all the pressure and stress he's under. Being square in the public's eye is one of the toughest places to be, and not everyone handles it well.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with liking something that's made by someone who you don't like. I happen to think people are generally way more judgmental of popular people than they should be, anyway. I'm sure some of my favorite video games and movies of all time were at least partially due to the effort of people I would never want to be around. When I'm judging the art, I tend not to also judge the artist.

    • Link

      Hey, I consider the Beatles my favorite band even though I think they did some terrible shit as people (ESPECIALLY John Lennon - oh my god as awful as Concession the comic was it was Immelman calling John Lennon a saint that pissed me off more than anything else UGGH PET PEEVE) so yeah.

      • Link

        That was actually "The heart of it all" by the same artist, and people did call him out on it in the forum. At least I hope I did call him out on that, that would've been worth losing my Moderator status over. I dislike Lennon as well, as I've known about numerous issues surrounding him.

        • Link

          Ah it kind of melded together for me - I never read the whole comic just bits and pieces as it really wasn't my bag. But good to hear people called him on it.

  • Link

    I never read Penny Arcade because it just wasn't funny. Good to know it's headed by an asshole too.

  • Link

    I thought the original dickwolves thing was ignorant at worst, but their response to it... Holy shit. Like with that "all girls have vaginas" thing, which shouldn't even have BEEN a thing, but he just had to go on Twitter and be an asshole for "comedic purposes."

    Oh, and some extra icing on the whole thing? When he issued that apology recently, fucking SWARMS of fanboys came out of the woodwork to scream at him for becoming a faggoty brainwashed mangina.

    • Link

      Can we put Zaush and Kraluik on the same boat and ship them off to Antarctica?

    • Link

      WHOOPS forgot I was replying to someone else!

      Yeah I think had PA done literally anything BUT what they did then the issue would be a minor one. The comic was taseless but antagonizing your critics and even sicking your fans on them is not a good idea.

      Wow, they even have terrible fans defending them to the death? Erie parallels.

      • Link

        Although I haven't seen Zaush try to apologize for anything, so I'm gonna say Krahulik (or whatever it is) is a couple points ahead.

        • Link

          Zaush and regret? That's an alien concept right there.

        • Link

          He's even bragged about what he's done. He said one of the girls "got what she wanted" in the most stereotypical abusive ex way imaginable.

      • Link

        And technically they're attacking him for trying to learn and improve.

        • Link

          "What are you, crazy? no don't improve and be a better person! Don't grow, because then the feminists win!"

        • Link

          I don't think he fully grasps how much sway he has over his fanboys, and what sort of influence he has been over the years. I mean, I think it's awesome the guy is now trying to grow past his bad sides but with that realisation, isn't it a shame if he pulls out entirely and retire from the scene, a scene filled to the brim with bitter fedora'd neckbeards?

          After all, he could choose to become a positive influence and assist in steering gamer culture in the right direction.

  • Link

    Wow, yeah. I never really thought to compare the two, but yeah. The parallels are pretty stark. I almost wish they weren't, just because that means this is a thing that happens more than once, which makes my heart sad.

  • Link

    It gets a bit more insidious than the website business on which you'll see people in the position to blacklist you from studios and careers being on the side on PAX if you go as much as point out how fucked up the "This person who keeps making folk's lives a hell shouldn't be excused just because he got you a beer and a cushy position on a studio" mechanic, specially when even the Financial Times wrote an article on how fucked up Mike's actions were with people piling on the critics saying they got all their info entirely from Kotaku.
    And then you look at Ben Kuchera's writing while under their wing, and see it being endorsed by figures that would otherwise crush it under a rock if the writer wasn't related to a certain major dork convention which does include comics.

  • Link

    People still give me the social shaming for electing to leave, because things of that nature were only alleged.
    And I'm like "Yeah, that's part of it, but it's also completely endemic to the system, and I DON'T WANT TO BE A PART OF THAT SYSTEM. "
    It's like, what the fuck is your head doing that far up your ass?

  • Link

    Haven't really heard of the dickwolves thing yet. The initial comic seemed rather innocuous and standard faire for them, was the controversy from How they handled reactions to it? I found a summary and it seems like the fans of the comic acted much, much worse than the creators on all fronts.

    • Link

      It really was how they handled it from what I've read. There was only a little objection to it at first, but Krahulik made a huge deal out of even that little and then kept bringing it up over and over again once things had died down and just made people angrier and angrier each time.

    • Link

      Oh he also apparently said some anti-trans and homophobic stuff as well but I haven't looked deeply intot hat.

  • Link

    Yeah, I've been following that with every little thing that's been going on. He issued an apology and said he'd get better at that stuff, but yanno. I'll believe it when I see it.

  • Link

    I honestly hope that this is a wake up call for him. Like other influential geek fandom celebrities I could name, I really don't think he's beyond hope.

  • Link

    Krahulik's still an unreasonable asshole, what a shock. That non-poligy is just his style too. "I'm sorry you don't realize what I'm doing."

    His whole attitude and way of dealing with things is rather pervasive in Seattle though. I know great people in Everett, Kent and Redmond but Seattle proper...ugh.

  • Link

    Oh yuck, talk about complete abuse of power.

  • Link

    Oh PA. You lost my readership, business and donations years ago with your "boys will be boys" shenanigans. Now your non- apology only reaffirms that I was right in removing myself from you. I mean really old are you and you're just getting a handle on empathy and compassion?

  • Link

    The ongoing PAX problem reminds me of FA too :/ It feels impossible to find a scene where the community authorities act like adults.

  • Link

    Wow. I had heard about the initial dickwolves thing. I had only seen a few responses to it and the original comic, so I thought it was just people getting angry over an awkward dumb comic. I didn't realize how much the creator(s) made the situation so much worse. Gross :/

  • Link

    All the shit around Penny Arcade makes me sad. I used to have so much respect for them for things like child's play and PAX, but ugh.

  • Link

    Ya know, I'm really glad you made a stand. You may not be the most enormous power broker in the scene, but you've stated loud and clear that you won't lend your great talents to promoting unethical people. From the heart of my bottom, I thank you for valuing your integrity over your short-term pageviews. You've set a bold and unapologetic example of standing up for what's right.

    • Link

      Aw, thank ya. But to be fair I didn't have as much to lose financially as some people - I do this as a hobby with a full time job so I could afford to cut ties.

  • Link

    What you said made me happy, deep down where I'm squishy.

    Oh, wait, I'm pretty much squishy on the outside,, uh...deep down where I'm SUPER squishy, yeah.