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Getting to know me! by Eskiworks

If you ever visit my livestreams, you'll be subject to my word vomit, and probably know more about me than you cared to know. But for those who can't make the show, here's the gist. :P I'm skipping some of these questions, so it's shorter!

Got anything you want to ask that you don't see? Ask away!

What's your real name?

How tall are you?
5' 8"

What's your natural hair color?
medium brown

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?
Mostly I like menfolk.

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Taken, coming up on a DECADE Preston, happily taken!

What do you do in your spare time?
World building, archery, outdoor meandering, and cooking/baking. And sleep, if I can.

What's your job or occupation?

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I guess I would have to say agnostic, because I just DON'T KNOW. But I have a spiritual sense of things, and a few little beliefs.

Do you drink?
If you mean tea, then YES. If you mean alcohol, then no. I am allergic, and can't drink it even if I wanted to!

Do you smoke?
Hell no. nonononononeverno. I'm hyper sensitive to cigarette smoke, it bothers me a lot.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I want to help my sister open a cat rescue someday, for cats that are old, or unadoptable because of behavior issues or other reasons. This has been a life goal for her for many many years, and I want to participate, and help her run it when she's ready to take it up. I would also really like to visit Norway someday, and go fishing there. There are so many places I want to visit though, Norway, Japan, Australia, the middle east... So much to see!

Who's your best buddy?
Preston, my boyfriend!

What's your favorite dish?
I like a lot of foods, it's hard to say what's the best, Fish (sushi, or cooked), good ol' home made macaroni and cheese, but also nice simple stuff like an apple and a high quality goat cheese together. Or fresh blueberries at the peak of their season. My biggest staple food I have a hard time getting sick of that I eat almost every day are eggs. I want to try many different kinds of eggs, but so far I've only had chicken and duck eggs!

What's your favorite drink?

What's your favorite color?
This is like asking me what my favorite time of the day to breathe is. But I do really favor green overall, just slightly.

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Shape-shifting for sure! Get to be a bird to fly, a dolphin to swim, and anything I damn well please. All the powers of the animal kingdom at my fingertips.

What do you love in life?
Loaf (my cat), my boyfriend, my family, tea, art, music, nature, food, hiking, movies, comics, books, and YOU.

Getting to know me!


Journal Information




  • Link

    whats your favourite kind of tea? C:

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      Ohm I like so many! I think my favorite three are Jasmine green (I like the pearls so I can infuse them several times), Yellow Tips Assam, and Silver Needle White. Silver Needle is my long standing favorite, it's so fresh and delicious tasting!

      • Link

        i do feel after reading this that i need to broaden my tea horizon and try more teas XD silvertip has me curious mind, i'm a fan of Teapigs teas id like to give their chili one a go

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    And god yes tea is amazing like...I recently replaced my caffeine-laden softdrink addiction with tea. Actual health benefits and wakes me up as much. Also props for answering this thing interestingly people have been so boring with their one word answers. xD

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      Tea is so good! I used to be a coffee addict pretty hard core, and tea helped me ween myself off of it. I used to have to have four cups a day, those sweet latte type coffees, if I wanted to even function. Now, I can have caffeinated tea, or not! I don't get cranky or have withdrawal symptoms. Ah tea, so good. :3

  • Link

    Your answer to the favorite color question made me smile, it's so true! :]

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      AND I JUST REALIZED WE'RE BOTH KATIES, hello fellow name-friend. It's funny, I met probably my best friend in the world because we were at a college orientation and immediately latched onto each other because we shared that name.

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        ALL THE KATIES! I went to college with three other Katie/Katys, we referred to eachother by our last names so it wouldn't get confusing. XD We decided that with so many of us, we'd form some sort of illustration army and take over the world somehow. Never came to fruition, alas....

  • Link

    Heh, I mis-read the orientation as "merfolk" xD Shape-shifting would be awesome! It really does cover quite a few different powers too (flying, invisibility/camouflage, being speedy, etc.).

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      Haha, Merfolk! Well, I suspect Preston is some sort of ocean dwelling mythical animal, like a Selkie, so pretty close I must say.

    • Link

      Hahaha I did the same thing with "merfolk" too! My boyfriend is /definitely/ a merfolk... you get that boy in water and he can't mask his true identity any longer ;p

  • Link

    Aww, we love you too. Even though you put us in the corner all the time. >.> But it's cozy enough I suppose. Haha!!

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        D': Okaaayyyy. -grabs crayons and coloring books-

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    You should try quail eggs if you can find 'em! They usually pop up at farmers' markets and asian markets... they're TEEEEENY.

    • Link

      Eee, cute little egg food, yes! I so want to try some!

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    CAT RESCUE thats jsut an amazing dreaam i hope it can come true for sure!

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      I hope so too, we both really hate seeing cats get euthanized because they have behavior issues... We grew up with a cat with behavior issues, and we were keenly aware that any other home would give him up to be euthanized. =( So it hits home in a way, we want to be able to help other cats that people are all too willing to give up on. Here's hoping it'll happen someday!

      • Link

        For sure, heres to hoping!

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    I recently found out i'm allergic to whiskey type drinks with rye. Wake up in the morning after drinking some and i'm all clogged up and can't breathe.

    • Link

      Ye gods, that sounds awful! O__O

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    You have a cat named Loaf! <3 That is the best. All cats are catloafs anyway.

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      I do! I intended to name her something totally different, but Loaf stuck. XD

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    Word vomit!

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    Awww, a cat rescue sounds amazing! I truly hope you can both achieve your dream someday.
    And omg let me know if you ever do eventually get to Australia :D I'd love to meet you at a con here or something. Or even if you just come for a holiday, would love to catch up for cof- I mean, TEEEAAA!! X3

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      Someday, that would be so cool! I've always wanted to go to Australia, because let's face it. Your wildlife is AWESOME.

      • Link

        Yeah it's pretty awesome ;D haha! I'll take you to Australia Zoo cause it's the best if you want to see our wildlife up close and personal :3

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    Teeeea! What's your favorite kind right now? Mine is this lady gray with vanilla and cornflower or magnolia oolong! With honey and cream ofc

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      My favorites are Silver Needle (a white tea) and Yellow Tips (a yellow assam)! They both have similar flavor profiles, light, fresh, and slightly grassy. Very refreshing!

      • Link

        Oh wow, yellow assam! NEVER EVEN HEARD OF IT BEFORE! Now I'm tempted to go find some somewhere!

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          I get it from this teas shop, it's EXPENSIVE, but worth it if you ask me. It only needs to be steeped for 30 seconds, and can be re-infused about three times without a loss of flavor.

          • Link

            Oh wow! I'll have to try it! 3 times, only 30 secs, holy cow x_x must be strong!