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One cool thing about the Weasyl frontpage... by Briarwood getting to see recent journals that folks have made. I'm having fun running around reading Get-to-Know-Me memes from random people. (Although, I am amazed at how many of you say you don't/can't drive! Makes me feel a bit better about only just getting my license this past July after being a giant babby about it for years 9_6)

One cool thing about the Weasyl frontpage...


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    I don't drive either. Cars freak me out, and I live in Paris anyway. Most dense concentration of subway stations in the world!

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    Driving can be scary. D: I loved driving so much before I moved to the city. Now it's been so long since I've driven anywhere that my car won't even start. x_x Too much traffic, too many angry people. I'll take the subway, thanks.

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    I surely cannot drive! Makes me super nervous. Fortunately I live in San Francisco!

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      luckyyy I'm in the same boat but live in Atlanta, which has terrible public transit. I long for a day where I can take trains everywhere.

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    Yeah right??? I'm working on getting my license at 22 and I've always felt like a huge loser because of it. :c It's cool to feel...not abnormal for a change hahah.

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    i dont drive either haha. coming up on 22 and never even taken a permit test.

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    I know right! I love how it has a list of the most recent people streaming too -w-
    So awesome!

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    I just got my license this August. Driving still scares the shit out of me sometimes, especially when I see people do stupid things around me.

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    I'm amazed as well by the number of people who don't drive... Couldn't imagine getting by without it.

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    I can't drive either! I get really bad anxiety about it! ;_; I don't even have my license, just my permit.

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    Yeah, it's neat being able to see everyone's journals, isn't it?
    And ahah, yeah, I'll probably never drive-- between the way people behave on the roads around here, and my catastrophically poor memory, it seems like it'd be negligent for me to take on a responsiblity like that!

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    I had to learn to drive because my school is ~40 minutes away by interstate. xD So I've racked up some hours the last four years. But I can understand why a lot of people don't like to drive; most people are asshats behind the wheel and while it can be nice quiet thinking time it can also be pretty stressful during peak hours.

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    I'm okay with driving, but I don't particularly enjoy it. What I've noticed is everyone's I've read, their height is under 5'6" o.o Artists be short.

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    I don't drive currently but got my license at 15 haha. I've been driving since I was 11 [that's farm life for ya]!

    Course, since I grew up in such a rural area, driving in cities much larger than the one I grew up in makes me nervous. :S

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    I drive... drove...a tractor...twice... LOL

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    Honestly, I should've gotten a license back in 2000. I just never had a reason to back then.

    Fast forward to now where it'd probably be a good idea but it's not going to happen for Way too many reasons. -.-

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    I'm getting my license next week because pretty much 90% of my state has either barely any or no real public transit to speak of so it's a necessity

    i really want to move somewhere with at least somewhat decent public transit gggggg

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    Driving cars really scares me. I can totally trust someone else behind the wheel, but the idea of me behind a wheel is frightening. It also seems like a very big responsibility!

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    I know what you mean, I love reading people's answers to the meme. XD

    I LITERALLY only learned to drive when I started college and realized that staying on campus for 4 hours between classes SUCKED, and not a SECOND sooner, haha. I had my friends drive me places in highschool. I was lazy.

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    I tried for my license once but never really finished all the hours I needed to log before my learners expired. Then I just never tried again.

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    I'm 26 and stopped trying to drive after my third permit expired when I was 21 uhuhuh. people close to me had this scary tendency to get into bad car accidents right after I got my permits, so... :[

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    Agreed, it has been fun reading this meme from others! You know, I was really surprised about the driving thing too. Not driving has been a huge emotional sore spot for me, seeing how many other people feel the same way has really been eye-opening!

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    Just butting in to say that in the US the price of gasoline is approximately a third of what it costs here (in the EU). After paying for a license that is already pricy, there's just no reason to be driving unless you really, really have to.

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    I really wish I didn't have to drive but I live rural so my friends are like half an hour away on average sob
    I'll hopefully have my license in a month......I kinda skipped out on the 120 hours needed by turning 21 whoops
    Im never ever going to drive in Melbourne tho fuck that I will take the train down

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    Yeah I need to get my license this year or something, lol. I want the freedom being able to drive/rent a zipcar entails. Even though I learned as a teen and was good, I didn't take the test and then moved to a city... SOOOO....

    It's not uncommon here in Boston to meet folks well into their 30's who don't drive or don't have a license.

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    Most of my closest buds don't/can't drive for various reasons, either, including myself. :O MBTA for meeeeee

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    I'm one of those old people who doesn't drive yet. 26 and had three permits, and got into very close calls with semi trucks each and every time. They are jerkwads who like to hog the roads around here. And don't know how to check their mirrors either. Oh man oh man. I want to try again this spring though, depending on friends and my boyfriend to go places is getting really old.

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    :O i have had my licence only one month longer than you. mostly do to the fact i realllllly saw no reason for me to go after it. Stuff happened and i got it. :) feel better after getting it. I can visit family who live 3 hours away. ;.;

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    I totally love this feature too!

    ps I am 25 and I dont have my drivers license either :P