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Oh Geeze... by Daigo

Ooh man...This huge influx of artists to Weasyl is amazing and I'm really hoping with the new rush things continue to grow. I'm super excited to rediscover artists I like and find new ones on top of that. Though with all the excitement and discovery of awesome arts , I'm getting that pang of unworthiness again . Well..not necessarily unworthy , more like I just suck XD.

I tend to beat myself up a lot when it comes to my art, and I do it more so when I find so many talented people around me. So when I'm surrounded , it makes me feel reluctant to show my work. Its like "Oh HEY! I love your work! Check out Mi-- sees giant boobs and dick -- N...nevermind Ah heheehehe ". Not only that , but I start to tear apart my own work. It sends me through art depressive thoughts, which can be both good and bad.

So right now, in this weird excited movement of hoping to be noticed by new people and trying to grow , while also being scared and feeling sucky and unworthy all over again. Also , feeling like my art sucks doesn't mean that's a bad thing. I try to look at it as a way of trying to improve even though it normally just leads me to just digging a bigger hole for myself.

Anyway I'm super happy about this place and the surging audience. Lets continue to make it grow!

Oh Geeze...


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    You shouldn't, really. You've pretty much established yourself as a man of skill and talent, and there's no real need to tear yourself down man. Just sayin~

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      its just what I do XD. but I thank you!

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    Uuu Daigo no your art is spectacular! So much almost tangible volume in your works, and that is very admirable. Plus, the filtering on weasyl is top notch compared to FA, so if they're not into that stuff, chances are they won't see it, so no worries all around!

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      XD! thank youuuu! AWrrr though its not that im afraid of them seeing what i've done. I'm more so wanting to show them something on there level. The art being porn doesnt bug me so much as its not Porn on their level of talent XD....somewhat...

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    I'm more desperate to try to find new audiences for people to read my writings. Its so hard to get any kind of attention when you're skills are literary instead of artistic in this community. that and peer pressure made me come here <_<

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      awrrf I understand that sentiment of wanting to find a new audience and how hard it is to get one with writing rather than art...erf. Though when it comes to literary troubles, have you tried SoFurry? They are more based around Writers and story telling.

      also, peer pressure!? I hope you dont feel forced into joining Weasyl. You shouldn't do what you really don't want to. You can stick to your guns and not feel bad about it. Really its your decision. Id feel bad if you came here and didnt want to be here.

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        yea, sofurry has the best writers options mechanically for the three, but its basically a ghost town :X i still get more views and feedback on FA than i do sofurry, lol

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          Well then I think you need to advertise to your base on FA where you are and why. Try to bring them with you. Thats what im trying to do with my followers. Also , dont be afraid to try and mirror FA with here. I know people are angry and trying to make FA suffer and burn it and cut it cold turkey. But I believe you can atleast support another community while also staying on another. if you are comfy with supporting both. thats great!

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            Oh yea im not leaving FA i dont give two flying shits about that drama shit :P its a bunch of furries overreacting to a bunch of dumb stuff they probably dont know the first thing about. if it doesnt directly effect me using the site i dont care, like. at all :P just hard to get people to sit down and read stories. like me and Kwandry were saying on the podcast, its a much bigger time investment to read a story than look at a piece of art, and so few people are willing to put in the effort :P

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    Mannn, it's natural to measure yourself against others, but rarely very productive. If you look at someone you admire and say "I would love to draw something like that," sure, that's inspiration. But if you say "I suck, I could never draw something that great," you're not just fooling yourself, you're making a self-fulfilling prophecy. So try not to! Easier said than done, I know ;p

    That said, the progress you've made over just a few years (most clearly evident in that wonderful Shina folio you put out a while back) is seriously inspiring. I know you're not fishing for compliments, but just because your development has been mostly in the fields of understanding & exaggerating sexy anatomy doesn't make it illegitimate. Along with a few other folks, you've crafted an immensely eye-pleasing variety of body type illustration that simply didn't exist a decade ago. That's something to be proud of. The fact that you aren't satisfied to sit on that accomplishment is probably a big reason you continue to improve... just don't let that restlessness trip you up, is all I'm sayin'

    One area I'd love to see you develop more is your backgrounds & sense of space. You've displayed a knack for creating interesting scenes in the past, particularly your macro works, but I would be thrilled to see you devote more attention to environments/surroundings. Characters are obviously the focus of your work, but having set pieces to compare their various endowments to can make them all the more impressive. Picture Shina squeezing onto 3+ barstools at a crowded lounge, onlookers physically unable to remove their gaze... or GFL lounging back against a mountainside, grinning at confused little snowboarders that find themselves in much deeper fluff than they counted on. This is not a self-serving suggestion at all, no

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      this praisepost doesn't do justice to how far you've come with creating widely emotive, distinctive characters and complex, dynamic poses, but i figured there were already enough words lol

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      AWrrr thank you so much for the suggestions and the compliments. I'm really glad you could see some form of progress in my Shina folio. Sometimes its harder for me to see some form of growth in my work because I look at it a lot of the time.

      For the record though, I've never said to myself that I could never draw something. I know that saying that is always counter productive. I know I can draw anything if I put my mind to it and get to another level, it just takes another level of dedication and drive. I just beat myself up a lot because its hard for me find and grab that drive and I dont know why...Well...I do...but you know...

      The suggestions though , I wholeheartedly agree. I need environments to place my characters.

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        adds to the nuzzle icon party

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        I get what you're saying - and probably shouldn't have assumed you were being THAT harsh on yourself. As for the neverending struggle for motivation - that's just the human condition, right? We all (barring some unfair freaks of nature) have a finite amount of Effort, and unless you've got certain hazardous controlled substances or a wealthy patron to finance your development, it's slow going. I'm trying to work the Powerball angle as we speak. I'm guaranteed to win eventually! Check back sometime after the heat death of the universe

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    It's nice to see more artists and definitely happy to see artists that don't just do furry artwork. I'm actually glad Weasyl is open ot more kinds of artwork because it's refreshing to see so many different kinds of art. I also been enjoying the forums here. We have sketchbook threads and I opened a thread about allowing people to ask about my art book collection.

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      Exactly! its a place for both. I hope that if and when Both furry and non fill the site , that there is no silly war splitting the community.

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      hey me too, i always was hesitant to put any of my glass work up on FA due to it not being 100% furry, I mean i make bowls and crap like that! they are just pretty colored! looking to post all of the work i have been doing. I just have a massive amount of downtime to work through. :3

      • Link

        Ooh, your glass works are lovely <3

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    Listen. It's much like tehsean. Yea, you are great at drawing porn, and I love it. But you are also really good at drawing weighty lines, bodies, and you are a very good artist in general. If you want to push other interests in art, do it. If you don't, well, don't.

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    I'm here since a while sexy

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    Hey, I suck way more than you do at art xD Stop beating yourself up over it!

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    Your still one of my favorite artists for a reason, but I know improving is always an option no matter who were talking about. There is no such thing as a master, only a student. Especially when it comes to the creative stuff. Explore things besides fetish art then, try posting clean stuff once in a while and have a small sort of portfolio for your fellow artists to check out in case they are not comfortable with the naughty stuff (or your not comfortable starting with naughty stuff). Just a thought. I'm sure you'll just plow through the weird feelings like usual.

  • Link

    Wait... wait, wait, wait, wait... you do VAT?
    Ok... I know we gotta be kinda autocritique related to our art and such, but being shy because you do big boobs and dicks? You know how many artists draw that? A lot... BUT... Do you know how many artists actually draw them GOOD ENOUGH to be pleasant to see? I see one in here... --stares at Daigo--

    Don't be ashamed of your style or your art, here you have a good amount of people that enjoy what you do, and we are certainly willing to see more of you.

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      I know a lot of people draw big boobs and junk XD! its just that thought in the back of my mind that nags. That aside , I thank you for your encouragement and compliments . they always help and ill continue to do more

  • Link

    You is one excited dude. X3

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      Ahahahaha hides

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    Sounds like you need a few more sycophants to help remind you that you're great =D

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    You're a great artist! Just do what ya like to do and don't worry about pleasing everyone. I mean, they like what they see already. Tha's why people follow you =3 And if things end up being really big? Tha's just a bonus~ Have fun with your work an' post whatever ^^

  • Link

    If only you could see yourself through your fans' eyes! Your drawing is a superpower, Daigo. To us mere mortals who can't magically translate our thoughts into pictures at a whim, you're freaking AMAZING, and to all the other artists... well, they're probably just like you and you don't know it- huge fans of your work, and self-conscious of their own in comparison.

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    You and every other artist feels the same way. INADEQUACY JUST MAKES YOU WANNA DRAW BETTER RITE??!?!?

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      I KNOOW RIIIITE!!?! AWrrrgh but yess its a form of inspiration no less!

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    Don't let the feeling of unworthiness hit you too hard. I'm glad you take it as a sign to just keep upping your skills all the more, because you just keep knocking my socks off with how you improve over time and all! Still can't wait until a time comes along when I can commission you and all!

    And yeah, may the site keep on surging with activity. It only gets better and better that way! :3

  • Link

    I'm not gonna say much but to tell you that you do amazing work. I'm not biased because I loved your work before I fell in love with the person behind the work. You know that I usually don't hesitate to point out things that I might find looking a little weird. It might not weigh too much since I'm not on your level of skill but I am sincere. I know you will continue to grow and get better. You just need to stop procrastinating and just do it. You know it's a good idea so stop letting yourself hold you back! I'll always be watching and cheering you on. My only fear is you being better at EVERYTHING than I haha!

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      I love you , babe! Keep beating me up cause I know I need it. Don't think that your words don't carry weight. you are more talented than me in many many ways. I hope we can keep on inspiring one another ....FOREVER!!!

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    Becoming active in a new place is a slow going process. It's probably worse if you were here before the influx/spur the moment move and everyone moving/hoping to move is more motivated than your might be (totally not speaking for myself, no sir).

    Still, don't fret. People love your work. Its just like starting anew, though.

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      I dont think is worse if I was here before the flux....because I was and I was slowly advertising my page before the current drama fiasco. but yess fresh starts are daunting but inspiring

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    Use that annoying little voice as a source of strength! All artists think their work could be better but few are deeply bothered by it. The few who are want to attain great things but they can' least not yet. You just gotta keep listening to that voice and work on whatever it tells you to. Think about what makes you embarrassed about drawing giant boobs and dicks. Is it really the issue or something else? Challenge yourself and fulfil your ambitions!

    Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me. All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is this gap. For the first couple years you make stuff, it’s just not that good. It’s trying to be good, it has potential, but it’s not. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer. And your taste is why your work disappoints you. A lot of people never get past this phase, they quit. Most people I know who do interesting, creative work went through years of this. We know our work doesn’t have this special thing that we want it to have. We all go through this. And if you are just starting out or you are still in this phase, you gotta know its normal and the most important thing you can do is do a lot of work. Put yourself on a deadline so that every week you will finish one story. It is only by going through a volume of work that you will close that gap, and your work will be as good as your ambitions. And I took longer to figure out how to do this than anyone I’ve ever met. It’s gonna take awhile. It’s normal to take awhile. You’ve just gotta fight your way through.

    Ira Glass

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      I hear that voice a lot! and plan on using it when I can! Your words are all the more encouragement to try and level up! Im flattered Octamous! thank youuu!!
      Also the advice from Ira glass is priceless! I try to tell up and comers something along those lines every time I meet one!

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    Weasyl should be top of the pops.

    It is an actual good site.

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      I agree!!

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    Dude i would KILL to be able to draw like you (well not really kill xP but still)

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    Oh seriously man, your work is great and I study it for muscle anatomy and fluid dynamics! I learn from you. You've helped me improve my male anatomy skills and also not feel quite so alone in my character's... characteristics ;P

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    You sir inspire, i used to feel that way when i saw others art that was so much more awesome to me. But then i realised, deep down, after much mediation, reflection and booze! That really its just my core of being a better artists that brought out those thoughts. I was hesitant (and still am) when i find people better at what i do. Hell i turn that into my 'ok i know there better, do not flip out, just learn what you can and make their heads spin with what I can do!'

    took a long time, and i am still adjusting to the mindset.

    basically; Let that fear power you, use it to fuel the creative fire, and never hold back on where it will take you. It will make you stronger as soon as you stops beings afraids of it.

    You rock man, really. I am no graphic artist, or a sketcher, hell i do not even ink or color. I do like to think (sometimes) that I have an eye for Glass-Blowing, and i can recognize someone driven with mountain-loads of potential. Your one of them!

    were all crappy artists, but as long as we can make everyone else go gaga over what we do, lets just keep doing it until we are caught out! :3

    also Moon sends hugs hug

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