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Similar art styles! by LunaMoon

Have you ever found a drawing that has a very similar art style to yours in some ways or maybe even completely? An actual coincidence that someone has a style really close to yours... It scares me a little when I find some art that it looks like I did it, I find it very cool and funny though!

Similar art styles!


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    While I haven't seen one extremely similar to mine, I have seen a lot of similarities if two artist are primarily in the same fandom/inspiration. Likely just by them liking the same traits and incorporating them.
    Mine seems to be an oddball as the main things I latched onto initially were very expressive cartoons and fluidity of official Sonic art.

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    I know awhile ago, lots of people coming out of the anime fandom drew a lot of stuff that looked like it came out of Sailormoon. I admit the eyes I draw nowadays are very influenced by Mineko Ohkami's (Dragon Kishidan, or "Dragon Knights" in English) manga style. I haven't really seen many that are close to my art style...........outside of outright stealing it (thankfully that doesn't happen often). I, also, came out of the Sonic fandom--so a lot of my anthro furry characters have a tendency to look like my Sonic artwork.

    The one thing that boggled my mind was seeing my artwork pop up in a Google picture search for Transformers (specifically Rodimus Prime image search).............I'm like, whoa--my art popped up in a Google search for this character. Both very weird and kinda cool. XD

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    hmm I don't think I've come across any artist who has a similar style to mine :o guess my art really is unique ^w^ the only so called "artist" who had a similar style was my imposters, but they don't count since their hate "art" looks very frankensteined from mine. like taking leg poses from one art then taking ear poses from another of mine. pretty sure that counts as art theft and tracing aswell plus not to mention their theft of characters aswell, that's why I don't think these losers count. /nay

    one of my exfriends also compared my artstyle to another cartoon's artstyle all because they had a character who was a tigerboy kemonomimi. but tbh I looked up what el tigre was and I can say that kemonomimi or not, none of our styles are alike. It's also known to be very rude to compare other artist's characters to other known characters, I dunno if it's the same with artwork but I can imagine it would be if you compared to how similar the poses or expressions were if it wasn't an inspiration or meme of that piece. /ndaah

    but yeah sadly I've had to put up with alot of theft and comparison of not just my characters but my stories aswell, and it's really hurtful towards us artists cos it can make us feel "unoriginal" when we had our own ideas. don't worry tho, none of this is at you or anything, you're fine honestly ÚwÙ