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Happy Thanksgiving! by keirajo

I know I've been quiet lately--randomly faving more than commenting--but it's been a bit crazy here abouts. From work to an ER visit (that turned out to be a diverticulitis attack), I barely have time to do anything for myself, it feels like. wry laugh

But for people in the U.S. and maybe in some other places--the next couple days are "holiday" time for Thanksgiving and Black Friday--I used to go shopping on that day (and enjoy it a lot!), but since COVID-19.......yeah, I don't know when or if I'll ever go back to this particular tradition. My only plans are to get a rent check and maybe hit the laundromat on Friday.

I got my booster on Monday and boy was that an adventure. @_@

I got "Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl" (double-pack......I do have two Switches, so........! XD) on Monday and have only played Brilliant for a little bit. But funnily enough--I got a female Starter (Piplup). I know there are odds on it, somewhat low odds (though it's even lower for a Shiny).......but in all my years of playing Pokemon games with the genders for Starters, I've never once had the randomness of a female Starter. Not even for the 6-7 times I restarted a new fast-play "HeartGold" game. XD I did notice, however, the game was not produced by Nintendo or GameFreak--and somehow I must've missed this in all the coverage of the game. The first name that pops up is "produced by ILCA" and "based on a game by GameFreak"..........I did not know this. "Based on"--that, in itself, is an interesting choice of wording. Maybe that's why it's an actual straight-up remake, with very few "new" bells and whistles......Nintendo and GameFreak just didn't mess with it?

Although, if you look at the back of the game, at the rating area, it does say "in-game purchases"--I feel this means we may likely be expecting "pay for" content, like Sword/Shield's expansion pack, in the future. Just as a forewarning, for those who don't read packaging. chuckle

For those that celebrate Thanksgiving--I hope that you have a good holiday weekend. For those that don't--I hope you have a great normal weekend! :D

Happy Thanksgiving!


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  • Link

    You have a good Thanksgiving too :D

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      Thanks! :) I hope you get to eat good food! :D

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    My mum had diverticulitis once and so did one of my uncles, it aint pretty.

    As an Aussie I don't celebrate thanks giving but I love me a roast turkey and any excuse to munch is worth celebrating lol

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      The worst part is, there’s nothing you can really do about it, but suffer through it. Antibiotics or pain relievers can just make things worse…, after a few days, I’m feeling better. But it’s not fun at all, for sure. nods

      Yeah, turkey is a pretty tasty meat—for some reason I always feel like it tastes better this time of year. :)

      • Link

        We have roast turkey for Christmas and one year my aunty wanted to be the host and her turkey was so dry x.x it stuck to your teeth like paste.

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          That’s when you need plenty of gravy to eat it with!

          I just finished the turkey dinner with my sister and it turned out pretty good for her not being a person who cooks much! :)

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    happy thanksgiving to you americans :3 i'm not american but i hope you all enjoy your time anyway! even if you don't celebrate it, or you're just not american like i'm not ^w^
    cool i remember having a female starter a few times :3 i had a female mudkip called Splash on alpha sapphire, she's still a mudkip though her level is in her 50's XD i decided to keep her a mudkip because she's cute the way she is besides i'm not keen on mudkip's evolution anyway
    i also have a female litten on moon which is around the same level as Splash, though i can't really remember her name but i also didn't evolve her lol. i don't mind torracat but i just think litten suits her better :3 i also find litten looks alot cuter too
    also when i get a piplup on brilliant diamond, i'm gonna keep them a piplup too like i use to do :3 i'm also gonna call them Pipsqueak and whether it's boy or girl, i don't mind UwU diamond and pearl brings back memories when i first got into pokemon :> i use to love playing the old game and watching the anime when it first came out ^w^ and still a fan today! of pokemon in general ofcourse X3

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      Thanks! It was a good day! :)

      In my SoulSilver game, I have a Weedle at level 100--admittedly, I gained most of those levels via PokeWalker. XD I just loved having a Weedle in my PokeWalker, that's all! XD

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        no prob! ^w^
        you really like weedle huh.. X3 i wonder if that's your favourite pokemon :3 mine's eevee!

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          I love Weedle—they’re round and cute and have a cute little cry in the games! :)

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            yeah weedle reminds me of something from Mario :3 do you like Mario? i don't really play it much, usually cos i haven't the time for games, but i do like mario kart :3 i should really get to know it better. though i did enjoy watching my sister play the Mario and Luigi series of games ^w^

            oh and if i had a weedle, knowing me i'd probably evolve it all the way to beedrill X3 i don't always evolve my pokemon tho, like if i had a helioptile then i'd keep it the way it is, cos i don't like what it evolves to and i find it's cute the way it is :3

            though pokemon such as trapinch and fomantis i'd evolve them all the way to flygon and lurantis cos i like those best from the evolution line :3 same goes with milotic, butterfree, noctowl, primarina, delcatty, leavanny, beautifly, meganium, eeveelutions, boltund, lanturn, and other final evolutions who turn out quite cute or pretty. though sometimes i keep eevee as it is cos i really like eevee and their eeveelutions all the same really ^w^; it's hard to pick just one fave so that's really why i say eevee's my #1 fave :3

            i'm the same when it comes to evolving skitty! i do like skitty but i also like delcatty because delcatty is still adorable and reminds me of the eeveelutions :3 delcatty is also super underrated too! i feel that pokemon deserves more appreciation because while skitty gets all the love, delcatty kinda doesn't get any :c i love them both tho, i feel they both deserve it

            though sometimes i evolve pokemon halfway and keep them there because i quite often like middle evolutions, especially with the starters ^w^ i do this with quilava, dewott, braixen, luxio, nuzleaf, raboot, thwackey, linoone (i actually prefer the non galarian one), flaaffy, monferno, wartortle, grovyle, sometimes servine (cos i do like snivy still), and others too!

            sadly sometimes starters aren't strong enough in battles in their first form which makes me sad cos they do so well in the start of the game then they tend to be more likely to lose battles the more you progress through battling stronger and evolved pokemons (even if your starter is around the same level as their's). though at least with middle evolved pokemon it's easier

            • Link

              There are some cute Mario game series critters--I really like Spinys. :)

              When I play Pokemon, I usually catch and evolve most things.........but I save things that I breed to make better "unevolved" Pokemon instead. So, my first Weedle will always become a Beedrill to fill my PokeDex, but I'll breed some "better ones" to leave as Weedle. :)

              I think Yamper is cuter than Bolthund to me, though--so, I do another "first catch gets to be evolved--bred ones never get evolved"! XD

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                ohh! i haven't heard of those before :o I've still got alot to learn about Mario, i don't know much about it tbh ^w^;
                ohh that's a good idea actually :3 then you'll also get the egg moves too! :D

                yamper is good though i like lillipup better :3 something about lillipup seems cuter, plus both pokemon remind me of what my original fursona would probably be if she was a pokemon because they look alike ^w^ i think my original fursona Chi would probably be more of a lillipup tho, i think she looks more like one too :3
                but somehow i tend to like boltund more than yamper, i think it just reminds me on how much i love dogs and looks very pettable :3

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                  Spinys are the four-footed shelled critters, they've got red shells and spikes on them--they look like a cross between a turtle and a Stegosaurus. XD

                  I usually never evolve Lillipup, except in the instances up above (just to get evolutions, then breed)--that's one where I'm not fond of the evolutions (too much long hair! XD).

                  I think Yamper has a pretty cute sprite in Sword/Shield, the way it hops and bounces when it moves. :)

                  • Link

                    ohh i seen pictures! they almost look like the original koopas in a way!
                    yeah i'm not fond of scruffy dogs either, i don't hate them i just don't like how they look.. ^-^; i like fluffy dogs with cute faces like collies, pomeranians, shelties, and most of all, longhaired chihuahuas ^w^ they're the cutest dogs imo :3 i know people say Boo is the "cutest dog" but i kinda disagree, just because it looks like a teddybear doesn't mean it is lol i actually find chihuahuas and other pomeranians way cuter X3
                    yeah i love how yamper chases its tail :3

                    • Link

                      Yeah—Spinys are pretty classic Koopa like! :)

                      Boo is a type of Pomeranian actually called a “teddy bear Pomeranian”—my old neighbor had the same type and he told me a lot about that kind of Pom. I didn’t want Ben know there were different kinds of Poms until then! XD My neighbor was never fond of that haircut style that Boo had for the type of Pom and even when he gave his dog the “summer haircut”, I always thought the little guy looked like a miniature Husky! XD

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                        ohh i see, i didn't know you get different types of pomeranians :o i know you do get longhaired and shorthaired chihuahuas and jack russells
                        i also know you get deer faced chihuahuas and the appleheaded ones, teacup ones aswell :3

                        • Link

                          Wow, I see auto-correct added words to my comment from last night, I must’ve been too tired to notice! XD

                          Yeah, I know for several breeds of dogs there are different types. I think Poms have 3 types? They’re all basically long-hairs, but lots of owners trim them to have short hair—I think maybe because Boo became so popular? But I think Poms are different types based on their coloring. The teddy bear ones are always the caramel-cream coloring. :)

                          • Link

                            if i had one then i think i'd like to keep their hair nice and long, like how mine is :3
                            i'm not so keen on the teddybear cut, i just find they're cuter when they're floofy
                            though maybe during the summer a poodle haircut will do fine, like what you see with poodles but still fluffy looking :3 i quite like the fluffy heads and neck, chest, tail, and fluff around their paws too, it looks cute ^w^ it's actually inspiring me to draw Chi like that too :D

                            • Link

                              You could make it a “summer haircut” drawing! :D

  • Link

    Hope ya had a good thanksgiving sis ;w;

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      I did! I hope you did too! :D

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    I'm probably going to get Brilliant Diamond as a Christmas present for myself along with Colors Live. Although I think the starter Pokemon are actually shiny locked. So far it seems the only way to get a shiny Piplup, Chimchar, or Turtwig is to breed them. I hate that Gamefreak started doing that to Pokemon a lot of us are dying for shinies of and I often miss out on online events and giveaways. :/

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      Yeah--in some ways, I understand.......because later on they have special events for Shiny Legendaries and the like, so I suppose that's one reason why they lock certain Pokemon from being Shiny. But now in-store events are pain-staking and even harmful--it's not like just walking by the store and downloading a Pokemon or even getting a code-card at the register. No, you have to have that stupid mobile app (I can't even remember what it's called) and scan a QR code or have the app open in the store where the event is..........TO GET A use in said game. :< There are very few events that are simple downloading from Nintendo themselves for free Pokemon--although Brilliant/Shining does make a few easier in that if you have a save file from "Let's Go" or "Sword/Shield", you will get some Legendary or special Pokemon (it requires you talking to certain people in certain places to activate the save file bonus).

      The original Diamond was the first game where I attended all the local events I could find and got all the special Pokemon, it's my first and only game where I have a fully completed National PokeDex because I went to all those events. :)

      I also feel that even though they say "odds" for getting and breeding Shiny Pokemon, I don't think it works for everybody at the same odds--I remember when X/Y came out, people were gushing about getting all these Shinies at the start of the game (in the first few fields)........I played X and spent hours and hours in all sorts of fields levelling up and I never ever got a single Shiny Pokemon in that game that wasn't a special event. :< I rarely ever get Shiny Pokemon in any of my games and I probably spend more time in fields than anyone else out there. You would think my odds would be better than someone who only stays in a field long enough to catch a couple Pokemon...........

  • Link

    hope your thanksgiving was good my thanks giving was fun :D

    • Link

      It was! :D

      I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving, too! :D