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How do you pamper yourself? by Malachyte

I've been thinking a lot on self-care and ways to appreciate yourself. Some things I like to do for me are to put on relaxing, almost ambient music, and do something methodical and calming, like origami or coloring with crayons for fun. I'll often make some special tea (right now it's earl grey with a little lavender) to go along with this. Bonus points if I have any scented candles that smell like sweet desserts.

I was reading an article about a Steam game called Viridi, and just downloaded that as well. You literally watch plants grow in real time while soothing music plays. I'm going to leave it on in the background while I draw and see how I like it. I do always wish I had more plants in the room, so this could be a good way to live that out without the expense and space!

What kinds of things do you do for yourself?

How do you pamper yourself?


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    If I have the money I like to go to anime conventions and just enjoy myself by buying stuff from the dealer's room (I got some pretty nice swag last time I went, including a Cat Planet Cuties book bag, an autographed painted Legend of Zelda poster and a Titan-class Metroplex) and hanging out in the Anime Room, watching anime and helping run the video.

    But if I don't have the money for that? Well, if my fuzzy butt is broke I'll just watch anime on my laptop and munch on some Japanese snacks, play one of the dozen or so Japanese SIM-date games I have, or play one of my other games. Or I'll just watch a movie. If I don't have 'convention' money (which is usually the case), but I have some money, I'll go out and either buy some transformers to add to my collection or I'll go see a movie if there's something good enough to hold my interest.

    On occasion I'll just sit back and relax by listening to some Celtic music, but I don't do that too often anymore.

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      All of those activities sound really fun. Japanese snacks are uniquely satisfying, too. Relaxing to visual novels sounds lovely as well; they're engaging as stories, but you still get to play a little, so I can see it being a really good balance of involved yet relaxed.

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    Tea is a favorite way for me to treat myself as well. I'm a big tea drinker on a regular basis (usually black), so I'll dig through my tea box and pull out something I haven't tried in a while. Sometimes I'll do a little retail therapy and buy myself a little something online. On special occasions, I'll draw a nice bath, put out some battery-operated tealights, and toss in a bath bomb.

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      I love digging into the tea box and getting out some flavor that hasn't seen light in a while!

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    I generally just draw gross stuff, or play video games to do monotonous tasks if I need to decompress and can't draw anything. Things like booting up Minecraft and just finding a cave to dig for like 3 hours straight or grinding for money/experience/items in games with RPG elements. It sounds super stupid, but doing something repetitive and mindless really helps take some of the edge off. Other than that, I eat garbage food (Pop-Tarts have been my go-to lately for some reason) or throw on youtube videos (shout out to Game Grumps and GDQ archives) or a show I've seen a million times (Scrubs, South Park, and Community are the most common ones).

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      Minecraft is super soothing, I agree. I used to love mining in caves while making sure to smooth out each and every block. It took forever to get anywhere, but it made navigating already explored tunnels super easy.

      Pop-Tarts are on my 'no' list of food I can buy, because I can either eat none of them, or the entire box of them. I have no mid-setting for Pop-Tarts.

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        I use torches! I put them on the left side going in, so I just have to look for them on the right when trying to get back out. I also remove torches from dead ends and then stick one on the floor to show that I've been there but there's no point in going that way. I go through a ton of them, but I take a full stack of sticks with me, and I find more than enough coal to make however many I need. Same with pickaxes and iron, because I always keep a crafting table and furnace on me as well.

        My I-have-not-self-control foods tend to be like... donuts and cupcakes. I legitimately will eat half a dozen of those things by myself in the span of only a couple of hours unless somebody stops me. Sometimes at the grocery store we get the teeny cupcakes or donut holes from Wal-Mart or Target (look their frosting is really good okay it's witchcraft and the powdered donut holes are the best) so that makes it slightly better when I binge but not by much lmfao. But if the donuts are custard-filled, there is no hope for me. None. especially if they don't have the frosting on top. :T

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          I tried doing the torches like that too, in that exact same pattern! I always got turned around still for some reason, though I still employ the torch on the floor for dead ends. If it was a really deep cave that I'd be exploring for weeks, I'd start making signs for it and name the paths and caverns. It was fun coming up with names for them, hee.

          Sometimes store-bought foods can do terrible magic things and taste amazing, yeah. Like bottled chocolate milk is legit all sugar I'm sure, but it tastes so creamy and good, ugh.

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      Minecraft for me, too. The biggest thing I've built so far was a Zelda-themed castle above the clouds. The end disappears in the distance, it's so huge. x3 I use lava inside glass to provide some light, and the ceiling is made of colored glass blocks to let in the sunlight.

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        That sounds hella impressive. Wow.

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          I would say it's nothing, but it took ages to build. So thank you. x3

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    Music, food, shower.

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    For every day feel goods, I keep a nice stash of good face/body wash stuff around. I get them at a discount store so they aren't as expensive as they would be otherwise. The whole skin care thing makes me slow down and going through the motions is sort of like meditation. If my skin feels good, I feel better about a lot of things, so even if it doesn't solve whatever stress may be about, it helps put a positive into everything. I also go to the beach when I can. At least once a month to do a beach clean up with a local group. Everyone breaks off to look for trash so it's nice quiet time listening to the waves, plus I can feel good about getting some trash off the beach and out of the water. Cleaning the house is another way I can unwind. If I'm all tense and feeling hyper as a result, the cleaning helps wear me out, plus the after effect of having everything around me look in order really soothes my brain.

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      I get my face scrubs at a discount store too, hee. I got a black sugar/charcoal one recently that's pretty interesting. That beach clean up sounds really sweet as well, I kind of want to look into if there are any in my area, since I live near a shore.

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    I'll do my nails- trim, file, and paint. I also like doing a facial and also bubble bath. I like getting in comfy PJs, wrap myself in a blanket, eat a favorite treat, and watch something I like.

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      I wish I could do nail stuff better. It seems like a fun addition to putting care into yourself, but I'm so sloppy with painting, and I can't file my weirdly flimsy nails so well, ha ha.