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La Village by Woofle

La Village


This tune eventually became [ this song [LINK!] ]( after many years! A lot of stuff used in Elancia Chronicles was written when I was a teen, such as this song. Fun fact, or something, I guess. :X

This old version here (circa 2004, no less!) will play in Season 2, in the village of La. La is a remote farming community in the foothills near the sea on the eastern edge of Kerlynzia. It was once a spot where dedicated pugilists trained and defended Kerlynzia from her enemies, but that was hundreds of years ago, and it is now nothing more than a small village of fishers and farmers.

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Multimedia / Original Music


  • Link

    Your songs always start off so strong! I start playing it and immediately love what I'm hearing. I can't wait to get to that level. The atmosphere in this song is so great.

    • Link

      I think you already are at that level! D: I really like your stuff from the moment it starts.

      Also, glad you liked this! :D

  • Link

    This is awesome!

    Though when I try to recreate older songs, they always, ALWAYS end up worse than the original!


    • Link

      Sometimes, the best key to recreatin' somethin' old is to not listen to it for a while, and not use the original project file. Makes room for fresh ideas! I think so, anyway. Maybe that'll help in the future! Then when you get bored, you can redo the original project file, like with this here. XD!!

  • Link

    This reminds me of the stuff that the community would produce back when it still had a community.

    • Link

      Those were the days! Especially once Omidia formed! I was really sad to see that place go. I think this was first written during that time.

      • Link

        Yeah I remembered OMIDIA, it was a shame to see that go.

        • Link

          What happened to it, anyway? I disappeared toward the beginning of it. :<

          • Link

            Activity died down, forums got taken over by spambots.

  • Link

    This ended so soon...
    Very naiss stuff though.

    • Link

      Yeah, I kind of wish it was longer. ;~; Since it has been inserted into the game since (it'll be in season 2!) it may be extended, though... Mostly because it would get annoying if it was only this short in the game. x3

  • Link

    I really think MineCraft should buy this one from you as their sound track, it's so perfict <3. you know i play this one alot while I'm playing it.

    • Link

      Haha, I dunno about all that. XD I honestly wouldn't sell anything meant for this project, though.