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Empty Bottles by Tonin

Empty Bottles

Empty Bottles

A message found me floating in a bottle.
It pulled me out, and spread me flat,
Tattooed meaning across my flesh,
Then stuffed me back inside to rot.

Exhibitionist, I spread my filthy coat wide,
Arms stretching parchment flesh so others may see.
See and hear and wonder, but never understand.
I don't understand it myself,
Truth too large and strange to comprehend.

You can't stuff Truth in a bottle.
Fold it up, sign the byline in blood,
And all you've got is another pervert,
Looking for love and covered with scars.

That's another kind of Truth, really.
Smaller and more mundane,
The kind no one wants to notice.
So scribble me down on a napkin,
Stuff it in an empty bottle and throw it away.

-- Tonin, April 11, 2014

Empty Bottles


Everyone has their bottle. What they drink from them and with what they replace it is the only truth they know.

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Literary / Poetry / Lyrics


  • Link

    I like this one. It's enlightening. :D

    But it seems rather self-depreciating. I suspect "you has a sad"... :( <3

    • Link

      *scratches head* If a poet didn't have a sad, wouldn't he have better things to do than write poetry? X3
      And thanks, glad you enjoyed it. ^^

      • Link

        You're welcome And you have a point.

        I try to tell full fledged stories in poetry too. But most often it centers around conflict. It seems conflict is the very heart of poetry. And the briefness of its format often registers to people as whining.

        Funnily enough, some of those same people will try to educate you on proper poem structure. Absolutely hilarious.

        • Link

          I was gonna say that emotion is the heart of poetry, but then I guess emotion always stems from or creates conflict (at least any emotion worth writing about does).

          And you're right on the whining. From what I've seen, the line between Whining and Deep Thoughts seems to be how well you hide what you're really saying. X3