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~Alteiran Lore~ The Travesty of the Silver Kings by Sparkyopteryx

~Alteiran Lore~ The Travesty of the Silver Kings


What ho, finally some more Alteir worldbuilding?" And gasp a story at that? Must be my lucky day! As with all of my writing, special thanks to MisterMidnight for looking over it and smoothing out the creases.

I cheated some though. This is a story that has been "finished" for a year now but I only recently went back and proofreaded it to the ground. Seriously, my writing on the first pass is terrible and very stream-of-conscious type of work. I had to wrangle the ceaseless rambling, useless commas and even a plot hole. The cover art has also been done for about a month now too. I'll power through art but writing I will procrastinate till the heat death of the universe.

Anyway, a lore story that is part of my worldbuilding pet project. I'd like to do many more of these (I even have a list of ideas) but I'll be damned if I know when I'll have the mindset and free time for it. I'd like to move on from this so unless it's a glaring mistake, no critiques please.

Submission Information

Literary / Story


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    It was fun to help!

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      And for the record, I think it's cool lore.

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        I hope my presentation didn't come off too dry - I mean, I wanted it to have that vibe since it's basically a scholar that is reciting this but still - so I'm worried it's a bit boring? I'm not sure. I need to start delivering more of my short stories in a more anecdotal or fairy tale sort of way. Unlike with my art, I have absolutely zero confidence in my competency with writing, hah.