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Portrait: "Selvamille the Grey" by Sparkyopteryx

Portrait: "Selvamille the Grey"


There's a fair bit of backstory to this fairly new character, not to mention canonically she does not even exist yet. She is actually the reincarnation of my other character, Absinthe after the latter character dies at the ripe old age of 1,022 (in my setting, that's pretty good for a Pariah unicorn).

I got the inspiration for the name "Selvamille" from a combination of chamomille and a derivation of Salvia which is the genus for the herbs known as sage. There are four different plants depicted here: English ivy, Oregano, Spearmint and Tufted Vetch.

Done with Prismacolor graphite pencils in my sketchbook. References were used for her head and the dapple markings. Character and art is mine, of course.

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


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    Great detail!

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    The more I browse your gallery, the more I love your work!

    I'm a cat type person but the last commission I received was a unicorn girl from sarah-grey. Gave her some basics and a lot of license and got one of my favorite pieces ever. Would you be willing to do a piece with your character, Selvamille the Grey for me? Graphite, color, both, I don't care.

    This piece is just perfect in every respect! <3

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      Well, I'm ever appreciative to hear when someone likes my work so much! I'm aware of that artist, by the way; she does excellent work. You know, I've never actually had anyone ever ask for a commission featuring one of my characters, but no I wouldn't mind that at all; I've been meaning to do more pieces with her in them anyway.

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        Super! I'll note you about various commissions I would like to get from you when I get back from MFF early next week. :)