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:Commission: Earth by Sparkyopteryx

:Commission: Earth


Earth may well be considered the true polar opposite of air; it is a solid and very real entity, who's presence is seen as much felt. Together with water, it helps form the beginnings and continuing of life. Earth signifies the constant and reminds us of our spiritual, ancestral and physical roots. Traits associated with earth are reliability, pragmatism and stubbornness.



Commission 3 of 3 for teiirka depicting my unicorn witch Selvamille. Like the last ones, I had pretty much full artistic freedom with these, and one day while brainstorming ideas I hit on a series signifying the three cardinal elements of the Druidic tradition (Some would say that fire also should be included, but in many Celtic spiritual practices, fire is a fundamental product of air and life energy instead). This being the third and final element, as well as it being Earth, I wanted it oriented in "landscape" format and the pose to be symmetrical to tie-in with the rest of them. I also imagined that if all three were hung and presented as a framed set on a wall, this would be in the middle of the other two.

I'm starting to get a little fed up with this scanner. I'm starting to think it's this particular type of sketch paper whenever I'm doing graphite on it; it always comes out so grainy and leaves these strange spots on the scan. I've also determined I'm going to stop using this paper for any of my serious to semi-serious graphite stuff because I just can't fight with it anymore. It works well enough for these pieces because the shading and details are light and delicate, but for heavy texturing and layering this paper would be a nightmare. As much as I enjoyed working on this series, I'm also glad it is done!

Done on 9x12 Strathmore sketch paper with various graphite pencils, blending stick, erasers and an olive green Prismacolor pencil as accent. Character belongs to myself, while image rights are jointly owned by myself and the commissioner.

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


  • Link

    Very lovely! :-)

  • Link

    Wow! This is fantastic! <3