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Eat Your Starlys by Runewuff

Eat Your Starlys


So I EV trained my lucario in speed yesterday and this image came to mind. The area outside my home in Twinleaf was good because Starlys are fucking everywhere, but damn... that's a lot of Starlys and Carbos to go through in one day!

(Between this and my last pokemon sketch, I seem to be inventing this horrible, horrible, childhood-destroying headcanon where the stronger pokemon eat the weaker ones, in a food chain food web complete ecosystem.)

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    Hmm, I've never thought of it that way... I usually just imagine my Pokémon standing above a pile of knocked-out wild ones x3

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    Well, I confess I always wondered if Pokémon behaved just like wild animals.

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      I think some would. Some of the grass types are more plant than animal. Then you get some that are surreal and play by magic rather than biology, like ghost and psychic types.

      Lucario, MewTwo and maybe some others are surprisingly humanlike, so I see them as acting almost human most the time.

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        One reason why I shouldn't write fanfiction is that I'd probably pick these more human-like pokémon, insert all kinds of social friction between them and human society, and finally have them march against each other.

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          hmmm... the first pokemon movie was basically this. Plus cloning. And so heart-wrenching the entire 10 minutes of MewTwo's childhood were removed from the american version.