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Tex by LordDominic



2017 art.

Tex, looking like she's posing for an album cover or something.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    I think I saw something similar to her in a classic commercial.

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      Maybe, this does seem to have a vibe that makes me think of the 1970s for some reason. My mind goes to album covers, I vaguely remember seeing something similar once or twice, but the imagery probably showed up elsewhere too.

      No idea though, I'm not quite that old to remember personally...

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    Very cute.

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    She looks great. I probably shouldn't be saying this at all but considering what you said on DeviantArt I think you should eventually post a nude version of this even if it is uncensored and if people come to think it's "pornographic" rather than "artistic" that's their problem. Of course you should set the rating accordingly.

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      As for drawing a nude version... it probably comes as a surprise to many, despite how much of my art features an animal showing their butt to the viewer or wandering around in underwear (or even doing the "artistic censorship" thing like Tex here), that I'm actually 99% sure I'm asexual and I find nudity to be a major turn-off. That's not to say I've never tried drawing nudity, of course, but I've just never really felt like following it through to completion. Sorry!

      This one might be due for a redraw in the future, though... almost four years old already, and the flaws are rather obvious to me now, so it might be worth redoing sometime.

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        It's alright I understand. I might ask you a stupid question privately next if that's alright.

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          That's fine, I generally don't mind answering questions and chatting with people. Sometimes my replies are a bit delayed, though.