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Huge Life Changes

So for those who don't know, I am about to hit a huge changing point in my life. Massive in fact. I've been in college a long time, longer than I should've been, but that's a long and complicated story. Regardless I am GRADUATING. AT LONG LAST. I am taking a lab final today and two lecture finals (Monday and Wednesday). I don't FEEL secure yet, but looking at my grades on paper I know logically that I will be fine. I won't feel unscrewable until that diploma is in my tight fist. It's so close.

What else is happening? My husband got an excellent job relative to his career wants. So we are moving to the Atlanta metro area! We will be looking for a two or three bedroom house to rent in a safe area, preferably in and around Duluth, Lawrenceville, Decatur, Norcross, Snellville, etc. Our lease is up in Clemson in July so that's the official moving period. I have to get rid of as much as possible, pack everything early, and plan getting our living things there intact like a war machine. I have also blessedly found out that I will retain my student insurance all summer despite graduating, including the services of my doctors. I was terrified of going 4+ months without access to specialized healthcare, but that issue has been neutralized.

My desktop machine has also FINALLY been fixed. I have a major outstanding digital commission on that thing and the file is too large/intense for my laptop to handle. Thank god I can do it now. For ANYONE who ever commissions me; if you want a refund when such waits get stupid you are MORE than entitled to ask! I will not be angry, it's just business.

Another thing - I will finally have access again to major power tools. Nobody cares but me about this one, but I will be able to make an art rack, real wood bookshelves, cat furniture, bird houses, bat houses, reptile-related furniture, and I will FINALLY get to put some cabinet doors on my craigslist 75g fishtank stand. It will also make building my own reptile cages, specialized aquariums, etc possible.

So what does this mean for you guys? Well outstanding commissions (Looking at :iconteiirka: and :icondragonfireny:) will be finished ASAP. My time obligations to college totally evaporate by April 29th. Art trades and gifts will ALSO be completed ASAP; I know I owe an ATC to Woodswallow and an inked image to :iconahkaskar:. If you want to buy any real media artwork in my gallery please note me; I'm going to mark everything in my gallery that is sold and any other real media you can assume is for sale. It also means you'll get to see more of my craftier side once we're settled in GA; paintings across 3d surfaces (like furniture), costumes, masks, taxidermy, casts, etc.

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Single Character - Minimal Background
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to $ 65.00


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from $ 20.00
to $ 35.00
Classic Icon
$ 15.00



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  • Link

    Missing your art! Hope you are doing good.

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    Does anyone know what happened to this artist? She just vanished from everywhere but here, out of nowhere. Concerning.

  • Link

    Many thanks for the follow!
    Lovely gallery you have as well, must follow back :)

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    Are art trades open?

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    Hello! I saw your work at FWA this year. I was super bummed I got outbid on that gorgeous painting you did of the tiger skull. Love your art, I hope I get a chance to purchase something in the future. :3

  • Link

    Allow me to compliment your artwork as well as your fine artistic talent! Truly, they both are exquisite and overtly finespun and I am looking forward to see how your artistry unfolds in the future!

    You most definitely won my following. Congratulations.

  • Link

    Goodness, the faces you draw are so expressive! I love it. :D

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    Hello there! Splendid to see you have a Weasyl as well. I've missed seeing your art.

    I hope you have a delightful holiday season!