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Emehru by LeccathuFurvicael



A creature from a dream I had right before waking up today. Just getting over a migraine as well, which has no impact on my dreams usually, but this morning was particularly fortuitous. I was trying to hold on to this dragon's whiplike tail tendrils through a good portion of the dream as it flew over residential, wooded areas and over peaked roof houses (think New England rural/residential area), and was on its back at the very end, my legs pushing through the feather-like flaps/'tertiaries' (the wing membrane was not physically attached to its flanks, like a bird).

While it glided over roofs very easily while I clung to its whipping tail, this thing was not a good flier at all, and would flap very stiffly to only float about a few feet off of the ground (same with even over houses - there was no clearance made at all). Ineffectual or very labored flight is a common thread in my dreams, but this was unique in that the flight was projected to another creature than having myself be the ineffectual flier. I'm glad I cataloged this critter into art, though - it's certainly unique! Its name also came to me in the dream. Colors remind me very much of FlyingFire's draconic character.

Media: Photoshop CS4
Time: ~4 hours
Art © 2014 Stephanie Dziezyk.

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Visual / Digital


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    Beautiful! As much as I'd never wish a migraine on any one, this is incredible.

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      Thanks! I'd like to see my migraine-y brain in as positive a light as I can, and am reminded that Lewis Carroll himself was a migraineur, and look what fantastic stuff his brain made up! Hooray in some way for mini-stroke-like brain spasms!

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        The closest I get is migraine-like-headaches from inflammation in my neck, and all I can deal with then is darkness, I don't get anything interesting from it ^^; but I'm glad that if you have to suffer them you do get something from it, I really love the shoulder structure on this one.