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Octransfur Day 6: The Toy Trap [Plush Corvisquire TF] by Joat

Symtec the dutch angel dragon stepped into Phira’s room. It was not an uncommon occurrence for him to be called over, so he had become well-acquainted with the plushies within. As such, he could tell that there were a few more here since last he’d visited. The first one he noticed was the biggest, a life-sized plush Seviper which surely must have cost a fortune. But also, he noticed two other new ones: an Eevee and a Dreepy, both also life-sized, though in their case that wasn’t nearly so impressive.

It seemed Phira was out of the room for a bit, so in the meantime Symtec decided to take a closer look at the closest new plushie, a Dreepy. Indeed, its quality was remarkable, and when he picked it up he found it was so soft and fluffy! But what caught his eye, oddly enough, was the tag. Not because of any unusual design for it, but instead because of its text: “Noctus”.

At that point, the toy Dreepy moved rather quickly, quite appropriately so considering he was using Quick Attack. Symtec was sent flying back harmlessly - Noctus was quite a soft toy, after all - and he collided with the plush Seviper, who quickly coiled around him and the plush Eevee, preventing his escape. At which point, the Eevee dramatically lifted a cloth forepaw and booped Symtec’s nose.

Symtec rubbed his snout with his forepaws, starting to blush brightly as he saw his snout reshaping, turning into a gray cloth beak. He rubbed the top of his head, finding it to be covered in fake feathers. Some of them were fairly small and, though he couldn’t see them, navy blue. On either side of the top of his head were thick black feathers, sticking up significantly more than the navy blue ones. The black feathers converged at the top of the base of his beak, creating a sort of V shape. The rest of the sides of his head were covered in black feathers as well, while the back of his head was covered in navy blue, and his eyes had adopted a vibrant red color.

Symtec looked down, seeing that now his chest was covered in thick black feathers. His belly was soon to change as well, being covered in blue-gray feathers while his back was covered in navy blue feathers. Experimentally, he pressed on his belly with his forepaws, finding himself to be much softer and squishier than before. Indeed, he was turning into a living plush, just like several of the other plushies in here.

Looking down again, he saw that those forepaws were starting to change, being covered in navy blue feathers with black tips. Soon, instead of arms and forepaws, he had wings. He felt something nibbling on his tail-feathers, alerting him to the fact that he now had them. Looking behind himself, he saw the cute little Eevee nibbling on his navy blue tail-feathers. At that point, the Eevee looked up, wagging its cute little tail, then spoke in the familiar voice of Phira. “Hiiii, Sym!”

Symtec picked Phira up in his wings, giving her a soft, feathery hug, still blushing as he saw his legs start changing into gray bird legs. Soon, his hind paws began reshaping themselves, turning into cloth bird feet with three toes each, two in front and one in back, each tipped with a black claw.

Symtec had been so busy paying attention to his body shape changes that it wasn’t until now, once it was over, that he even noticed how much he’d shrunk down, a bit over two and a half feet tall now. He gazed down at the cute little plush Eevee, still holding her in a hug, then gave her a nuzzle. Then he looked up at the Seviper, who gave a cute blep in before giving him a lick, at which point he could tell it was Fluffy even without seeing the tag. He felt something cuddling up to his side and looked down, seeing the plush Dreepy again.

It seemed he was in for quite the cuddly time.

Octransfur Day 6: The Toy Trap [Plush Corvisquire TF]


The theme for this day was Plush, so a sequel to day 3 seemed quite appropriate. Plus, Phira was torn between Eevee, Dreepy, and Corvisquire, so I figured that incorporating the other two into this story would be a good idea. The original plan was for Noctus to be transformed "on-screen" as well, but (1) I was running behind and (2) I don't feel confident writing him. As a result, his role in this story ended up being more minor.

Alas, what CrizBN did was spoiled to me in advance, but I don't feel that influenced things much, if any. We did go with pretty similar ideas at base: Plush TF done by plush. Alas, no bubbles in my story, though. It would have been a cute touch.

EDIT: Actually, upon closer inspection of the image and tags, it was plush via pooltoy in CrizBN's case. Which, fun fact, was something I considered for day 3. The original idea was for Fluffy to be in pooltoy form, but I decided plush was more appropriate and he agreed.

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