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Octransfur Day 5: Kitsune Story Story [Moogle TF] by Joat

Kitsune was sitting at her desk, staring at the screen. Despite her name, she was a simple human. But at the very least, she could write about cute and cuddly things. And, well... it was a quiet time and she was feeling inspired, so why not? Today, she was going to write an Ivalician moogle TF story, with herself as the star, just because she wanted to.

And so, she began typing. Her story began with a few paragraphs of setup, with her going about relatively normal life, unaware of a mischievous spirit flying about, ready to transform the ‘unfortunate’ human she’d set her sights on. And soon, she was faced with a decision: Where to begin? After a bit of thinking, she decided to start with the chest. And so, she began typing the transformation, nice and comfy in her fuzzy sweater... or at least, what was once her fuzzy sweater. Now, her sweater was gone and her torso had become covered in soft, cream-colored fur.

Kitsune continued, having the transformation spread downward first, her own changes mirroring the changes of her in-story counterpart. Soon her lounge pants were gone, replaced with cream-colored fur. Shortly after that, her socks were gone, revealing new, cute fuzzy hindpaws. But even then, she was too focused on the story to notice anything amiss.

Next were the arms, followed by the forepaws. And just as in the story, her arms were covered in fur and her hands soon after, becoming cute hand-paws. She found it a bit odd that it felt a bit like she was wearing gloves. Perhaps her hands were getting cold and that was causing them to feel odd? Whatever the case, she would deal with it in a bit. She was almost done with her story, after all.

After that, she began work on the wings. As she typed, she noticed her upper back was feeling odd and so she shifted in her chair, figuring it was a matter of her sitting oddly in it, when in fact it was because she was growing wings. After a bit of shifting, she decided she’d get up and stretch when she was done. She was in the home stretch, after all... no pun intended.

First she wrote the neck changing, her own neck feeling warmer as it was covered in fur. Next her hair receded and disappeared, replaced with more cream-colored fur and an antenna on top with a cute purple pom-pom at the end. Then, she finished with the face... at which point she saw her nose changing shape into a cute little button nose on a cream-furred muzzle.

She gave a surprised squeaking noise as she nearly fell out of her chair in surprise, followed by a “Kupo!” She hadn’t intended to shout that word specifically, but it somehow felt natural. Realizing the implication of her saying that word so readily, she reached up and felt her pom-pom, holding it lower so she could see it. Then, she began looking herself over, seeing that indeed she was a perfect match for the appearance of a moogle... as well as noticing that the room around her started to look bigger and bigger. She quickly realized it was a case of her getting smaller - moogles weren’t human-sized, after all.

She hopped out of the chair, gently fluttering down with her new wings. How could this possibly be happening? Her transforming just as she was writing about it... just didn’t happen in reality! It was the sort of thing that only happened in a story. How could it possibly be happening to her? Unless...

She looked up and saw not her ceiling, but instead text: “Octransfur Day 5: Kitsune Story Story [Moogle TF]”

Octransfur Day 5: Kitsune Story Story [Moogle TF]


Given that I am writing literature myself (pompous though I may sound by calling it "literature"), I strongly considered doing a heavily fourth-wall-breaking story like A Random Story, perhaps even making it a sequel to that. But instead, I decided to make it, while still fourth-wall-breaky, a bit less directly so than that.

Doing the traditional comparison to what CrizBN did, he and I had very different ideas, with him doing TF via literature (indirectly) and me doing TF via being IN literature, while writing literature. Insert predictable "Yo dawg" meme.

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Literary / Story