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Welcome to the Iridescence Studios Weasyl page. This page is dedicated to the promotion and support of the joint writing efforts of MeganBryar and LaurenRivers.


laurenrivers is a professional zebra who specializes in writing scifi/fantasy, post apocalyptic adventure, fantasy, and werewolf fiction. Located in Texas, she is a longtime member of the furry fandom with a penchant for hooved animals.

Her writing inspirations are anything Joss Whedon, Battlestar Galactica (2008), Stein's Gate, Legend of Korra, Final Fantasy, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Blue Moon Kindle Edition

Blue Moon Paperback Edition

Among her publications are
Roar Vol. 4 A short story titled "Almost Famous".
Allasso Vol. 3 : Storge A short story titled "First Flight".

Please consider supporting me on Lauren's Patreon

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Meganbryar is a professional bunny who primarily writes fantasy stories with a furry flavor, though she has been known to dabble in sci-fi and horror as well. Megan lives in Kentucky and has been a member of the furry fandom for almost two decades. She has a particular affinity for rabbits and foxes, as well as equines of various flavors.

Among her publications are

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Increased Visibility

Okay, folks.

So this year I am going to try my level best to be more visible, on here, social media, and other platforms. I need to if I'm going to get this thing off the ground, and with luck, maintaining will be easier than startup costs. But to do that I'll need to try to be more active overall, and that starts here.

First, I have a possible favor to ask. I failed to get a TFF room, but if there is anyone going that would have room for a zebra, I might be convinced to try my hoof at artists alley. I hope to have at least one book to sell by then, but if anyone has room space it would be extra incentive for me to get my stuff together and be there. I'm quiet, I don't take up a lot of space, and I would be spending most of my time probably at the table, if I am so fortunate. So if you're going and you're looking for someone to share room costs, maybe you'd be amenable to opening up some space for me. ;)

If not, then I will probably prepare anyway, as one way or another I have a lot of work to do. But I want to ask, just in case, since I avoided looking at TFF's hotel until after it had apparently sold out.

My immediate goal is to try to get Winterfall 1 published or ready to be published, and then to prep Winterfall 2 while I work on the next project. Then I can start announcing things formally.


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