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Entirety plant Species: Leelu by FamiliarAlien

Entirety plant Species: Leelu


omg I just realized I called the last two sentient plant aliens I posted "Entirety animal Species" :lol: I'm surprised no one called that out (it's been fixed now). Anyway behold one of the smallest xeno species I will likely be introducing. The leelu are a teeny little carnivorous mobile plant found on Someesio. In the wild they're actually quite rare but due to breeding programs they're quite numerous in greenhouses and other such closed off facilities.
Unlike the other species I've introduced of this planet (ignoring the Rosaital) leelu are actually decently intelligent (about the same as a earth species like a mouse) and can make a wide range of whistling noises which are both quite impressive when you remember they are in fact a plant.
Since they get most of their nutrition from the small insects and particles they consume they only use their root to soak of water which they can get either through rain or laying in a shallow pool of water. For the record those eye like markings on their petals actually are functionally their eyes, they aren't very good because they're flat but they can pick up on differences in lighting letting them have a decent idea if its the day or night or if something is looming over them.

Also as a last fact this is one of only a small number of species which I did upload an earlier design before deciding to change it. The reason being I found the old design to be not cute enough and WAY too complex for something so small. I didn't want to end up with the same issue I had with Chi'Tsao where drawing them to scale with anything else in framed looked awful. this design is significantly better overall.

So enjoy!
Entirety and all creatures related to it belong to me

PS: Happy New Years! This image was actually drawn a few days ago so its not technically my first drawing of the year :U but it is the first image upload so I guess that's something.

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