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Leo Design Tweaks by Akysi

Leo Design Tweaks


And now some design tweaks for Leo! ^_^ It feels good to finish this so soon after the last one, though to be fair there was a lot less to change this time around despite her last design being from as far back as 2018.

I was able to streamline her colour scheme and integrate her symbol better this time, some are a lot harder to integrate than others! I think the changes to her clothing are better at communicating her more rambunctious personality too. I still have a lot of designing and redesigning to do, but I really like how this one came out :)

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    That is adorable~
    I'm actually super surprised that you went female instead of the "Expected Standard" of male for a lion. Its honestly a breath of fresh air to see it ^^ Though some may think her mane is 'too male-like', female lionesses have been known to actually grow and keep manes like males too ^^;

    Outstanding job on her clothing/accessories too :3 I'm a big fan of fluff and fluffy looks, and you did that super well here. Not to mention the golden bits and how 'curvey' they are really seem to compliment how you drew the fur on her outfit <3

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      Aww thanks Bartan, I'm glad you like it! ^_^ Whenever I design animal or animal themed characters, I tend to play pretty loosely with the gender differences from the real animal, especially for fantasy settings like this one. I base my decisions on whether or not it suits the character and their personality rather than strictly adhering to realism, as the strength of the design itself matters more to me overall. I've done this with a lot of my bird themed characters, as many of the species with sexual dimorphism only have males with unique/colourful plumage. So if I want to communicate the imagery of that species at all, the most recognizable attributes are used regardless of the gender of the character they're applied to. It allows for a lot more creative freedom in my opinion!

      In Leo's case, I wanted her mane to evoke her rambunctious personality, so I drew it in a way that looks like messy "wild child" hair, impossible to brush or look neat and always getting something stuck in it while she's running around. Both her mane and the fur on her outfit are curved in such a way to match her symbol, which is also integrated into the gold accents on her outfit so it all ties together. I put a lot of effort into integrating the symbols into the character designs for this series, so I'm happy you noticed it! <3

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    Awwww I love the design so much! :D

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      Thanks so much! :D