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Cancer Design Tweaks by Akysi

Cancer Design Tweaks


I’m in the process of tweaking the zodiac designs again, for what seems like the 80th time at this rate xD I have several of these in the works right now, but I managed to finish the base redesign for Cancer here so I thought I’d share. I arrived at a better pose for her after doing some silhouette work on the whole lineup, I think it captures her “go with the flow” kind of attitude. This is also the fourth or fifth iteration of her legs, probably the most difficult and technical aspect of her design overall, though they have more cosmetic than functional changes this time around.

Her full sheet will have more info, like how her Claw Cannons work and additional views of her armour, but I really wanted to share these now since it’s the only thing I’ve managed to finish in about a month in a sea of WIPs ;-; Quite happy with the redesign overall though, the shapes have a better balance and flow, and the addition of another accent colour makes it feel more complete to me. The main reason I stayed away from orange for her initially is because her personality is a lot more laid back compared to what would be a pretty loud colour scheme if orange was the main colour, but I really like it as an accent here. More to come!

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