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Kelly Houston 2015 Redesign by NoelTheChristmasCat

Kelly Houston 2015 Redesign


Well, here it is guys. The long and arduous road had hopefully led to what I think could be the final design for Kelly Houston. Boy howdy, she’s come a long way since 2008 hasn’t she? And suddenly, that comment about her being a sexy vixen that seemed cringeworthy in POOP:E01 seems rather fitting, doesn’t it?
I’d like to think there’s a Citizen Kane’s worth of effects on par here. My upgraded painting and shading style, natural and blending lineart, dynamic hair details, just to name a few. But what’s really most important of all here is the base design itself. This has sat on my computer for about three months, being polished in every way I could think of before upload. I wanted to be certain that anatomy, measurements, structure, details… EVERYTHING, was in place before I uploaded it.
So tell me: has my Obsessive Perfection all been for naught in the end? I’d like to think not, as you can hopefully see from this. I normally don’t get an ego but this… This is the top of the props for me right now. The accumulation of months solid of effort and learning.
I can’t say everyone can draw, because there are certainly people out there I would consider hopeless, But not because of their lack of ability… It’s cause of their reasoning. But if you actually care about your work… It’s a long road, but as you can see it’s totally within your grasp, guys. And totally worth it.
See you on the next one!

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Visual / Digital