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Eleven shades of anger by Sparkyopteryx

Eleven shades of anger


The boys at the clubhouse needed a new guy to try to shake down "The White Knight" and in their own words they said to him, "He's a tough customer, but if you smack him in the face a couple times he's sure to come around..."

Imagine the poor lackey's surprise and horror in that split second when he realized his clubhouse "buddies" duped him...

"You just made a big* mistake, see?"*

Ah jeeze, where to begin. This was SUPPOSED to be part of some simple expression exercises but it got so horribly out of hand. Next thing I know I'm drawing more and starting to bust out the markers, for crying out loud! I had fallen victim to "That One Picture That The Artist Cannot Stop Working On."

It's a good thing too. I learned a lot of key things in this piece that I even set out to do as an artist for 2013. Rendering subjects I'm not terribly good at (Dogs! I love 'em. I just can't draw 'em.), and also a bit of perspective practice, which is the bane of my existence. I was originally going to make a simple colored backdrop but my muse and my driven artist side wouldn't let me. This picture was screaming for a proper background. And it looks five times better with it as a result.

This picture is showing one of Foley's more unpleasant "quirks." He's not exactly all the way stable in the head, and he becomes completely unhinged when certain criteria are met. The worst thing that could make him trigger is hitting him in the face in any way: this results in a full blown psychotic episode, usually resulting in the hospitalization of the victim or possibly death. Here's hoping his partner Molly is nearby...

Title derived from the 11 different Cool Grey Prismacolor marker shades I used (including black) to color this. I also used a few different flesh-toned Copics and a few colored pencil accents here and there. References used for him and for the background. Art is mine, character belongs to the other half.

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    Everything about this is great, he looks downright fearsome. The way the perspective of the viewer works, you feel smaller than him. The color of the background also makes it feel as if no outside force will be there to save you...

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      Even if there might be a civilian looking from one of those apartment windows as we speak... You know what they say about breaking up a dog in a fight, after all. I think Molly is the only person alive that can hazard doing that without the risk of bodily harm.