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"Break Time" WiP 3: Tracing Overlay by Sparkyopteryx

"Break Time" WiP 3: Tracing Overlay


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I have a confession to make: when I transfer, I never use proper graphite paper. I simply put a dark graphite rub with a graphite stick on the facing side of the tracing paper. My mother showed me how to do this years ago and I've never stopped. For one, it's cheaper than buying sheets of the graphite paper and is just as effective. JUDGE ME HOW YOU WILL. This stage is kind of messy and icky-looking due to having to attach the tracing paper to the final paper underneath. By the way, I use auto detailing tape and it is amazing; it peels away cleanly and tear-free and never leaves residue. Note the black lines over the purple ones on the left side where I started going over my lines with black to differentiate them from the untraced lines. At this stage I frequently remove and re-stick the tape on various edges to keep an eye on my lines under the trace to make sure they're transferring dark enough.

Next step (won't be depicted): look over lines on final paper, clean up smudges and fix errors before colors.

Submission Information

Visual / Sketch