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Cleo armor reference by Sparkyopteryx

Cleo armor reference


I promise this is the last concept page I'll be submitting for now!

It's so funny that I've had Cleo as a character literally for years and only recently in the piece "Another Round?" did I finally get her and her race's armor looking like I wanted. Obviously heavily inspired by Roman segmentata (incidentally her race's culture is somewhat inspired by the Roman Empire as well...). I also completely spaced on the metal circlet she wears most of the time. Oops.

Some info on her and her race that is colloquially called "Demellians."

~Gets their racial name "Demellian" from their widespread language known as Demellic. To them, they refer to themselves as "Heskzo" instead.

~Many legends and conjecture surround their race's origins; some say they are offspring of an ancestral union between gargoyles and humans, others say that they are descended from a race of Elves that were altered by powerful divine or magical means. Scholars still don't know what is true, although in fact they are indeed very closely related to gargoyles.

~Legendary for their ability to fly into berserk rages in combat; naturally some of the most heroic or infamous historical figures have been Demellian warlords and generals.

~Cleo here is actually an adept wielder of the mysterious powers of the mind known as psionics. Psionic ability is actually fairly widespread for her race.

~She is of the Demellian racial caste known as "Dark," which are the most common.

~Armor is not actually made of metal but of specially treated dragonhide and scales, thus making it very lightweight and flexible while being far harder than normal steel. Also psionically charged to give additional protection in the form of a kinetic field around exposed areas (such as arms and sides).

Yet another overly detailed and complex character! Done with Copics, Prismacolor markers, Staedtler pigment liners and some colored pencil. Character, art and race belong to me.

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


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    First in to say that Cleo is waaaay cooler than Hellboy.

    And a better chum too.

    EVERYBODY likes Cleo. Everybody.

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      Even Cleo likes Cleo.

      Everyone likes Cleo, but some like Cleo more than others.

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        What's more dangerous than a monster hunting monster girl? One with...fanboys.