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WillemTobey / Male / Michigan

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WillemTobey’s avatar

What I've Done

I'm soooox10^infinity sorry. Time has slipped through my fingers faster than an artist's 3D cum rendered for the first time in Blender. Work has my mentals in a bind still. I get home and immediately flop down and stare at YouTube videos for hours until I pass out. I'm sleeping better so I guess th…

WillemTobey’s avatar


I just wanted to pop in with a quick update. I'm still not back to 100, but I wanted to get something done. I feel bad for taking so much time away. Quite honestly, it doesn't feel like it's been that long. Don't get old, friends. Time flies when you don't want it to. It doesn't feel like 2 months(…

WillemTobey’s avatar

Short Update

I'm still around. Just been having a hard time getting myself motivated to write. Bad excuse. How about this: I've been playing The Witcher 3 and I'm engrossed in it. More so I'm taking video clips and screenshots and making fun of it (as any Twitter followers have found). I'm nearly finished so I'…

WillemTobey’s avatar

No chapter this week

As stated in the title, no chapter this week. I'm sure you're all still spending time with family or friends. I hope your holidays and new year was a good one. Me? None of that. No one to spend the holidays with. No new year kiss. I was at work for all of it. Such is the industry I'm in. Waa waa...…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Journal 22

As I said before, much of what is coming up will be freestyle, off the top of my head, brand new, not from previous notes, etc. There may be a delay in some postings because I have to tie in the new stuff with the old stuff. I'm retconning Luger's height. He was originally supposed to be a bit shor…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Journal 21

I'm so sorry for anyone that saw Ch. 22 post twice. I'm so fed up with postybirb. I want to try and get my stories posted during times where active followers AND potential followers can catch the post during the most opportune least in my time zone. That would be either Friday or Saturday…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Chapter 20

I apologize for posting this at such an awkward time. But I have to release it now. I tried twice in the past 2 days to use postybirb and it's failed me two days in a row. I'm going to give it one more chance, then I'm deleting it if it fails me again. If it does fail me, I'm just going to download…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Journal 15

So I never went back and redid the first chapters. I was stricken with a huge bout of tired. My entire week of PTO was me stuck in bed watching youtube and sleeping. I don't know if anyone was interested in rereading the first few chapters anyway. Maybe someday I'll get around to it. I've felt pret…

WillemTobey’s avatar

Abb - Journal...14?

I just finished ch. 17. I was kind of excited about this part. If you don't know, I'm really into cheetahs, deer, and gazelles. Especially females. I really like slim, yet muscular females. (something something horny on main) Shari, Suka (the smelly cheetah), the gazelle I wrote about in my first n…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Chapter 15

I meant to get a start on the chapter and then play a game. 4 hours later...and I have to head to bed. It's almost done. XD I'm not sure where I'm going to end it. It's almost 9 pages long. I prefer to have them around 12-15. It may be shorter. We'll see. I haven't looked ahead to see where exactly…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB Oops

Noticed a mistake at the end of the story. It said "They smiled at him or her before a glint shined..." It should have said, "Troy smiled at him or her before a glint shined..." Not a big deal, but it can make the interaction confusing.

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB Update

It feels good to be writing again. I don't know and can't promise I'm back. Work is stressing me out. Stressing me out makes me not want to do this. I hate being stuck in the rut of work-recover-repeat. I'm hoping that my mood will improve more soon. I'm going to be looking at houses more and more…

WillemTobey’s avatar


Don't tell anyone, but I just got done writing 4 pages. I don't have time to, but I put some music on and tapped some keys. This isn't an indication of a release anytime soon. I really need to focus on my work training. I'm doing well, but I feel I'm not where I want/need to be. I've been playing a…

WillemTobey’s avatar


I hate to do this, but I'm not getting any writing done. The really crappy part is that I don't know for how long. As I previously stated, I'm going through training at work for another 5 weeks. In typical American fashion, I'm not getting paid for it since they believe the miniscule pay increase t…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Journal 11

I just finished chapter 11. I haven't had time to go back over it again to check the rest of the continuity or to tidy things up. I really apologize for the long delay, then the trash release schedule, and another delay. I've been really feeling lethargic lately - as I alluded to in my last journal…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Journal 10

I will be posting Chapter 11 later today. I just now realized my Journal numbering system is jacked. Whoops. This isn't a strong chapter. I realized it after rereading it. It finally introduces the star of the show, but the pacing is a bit boring. That's harsh to say of my own writing 😂 Put yoursel…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Journal 9.5

Just a small update. Chapter 10 is done. It took longer than I wanted. But it's finally finished. It wasn't quite as difficult as it seemed. I'm sure it's going to read a bit difficult. He's slipping in and out of the simulation every time his eyes closed in those segments. It's to convey the passa…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Update 06/17/20

I've officially started work on Ch 10. I've had a rough outline started since I last posted, but I sorta...kinda...lost my motivation to write. I keep getting sucked into social media. While good for networking and such, it delays my writing and prevents me from doing this. The fruits of this labor…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Journal 9

So, as you can see, I am adding some of the story between Troy and Alexei. I'll try to keep it to things we already know. I think it will serve to show the passage of time still going on outside the simulation as well as a purpose in swaying Troy's...bigotry(?). Some subtle hints are going to be th…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Chapter 8.75

Lost my motivation for the last couple days. I apologize for that. I have a dentist appointment in the morning (EST). FINALLY getting my crown fitting for my tooth. So friggin tired of chewing on one side of my mouth. Pro Tip: If you have a filling fall out or you have tooth pain, get it fixed. Sav…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Journal 8.5

Hokay. That should be fine. Only took a part out and adjusted another. The original story stays intact. I skimmed ahead about 15 pages of the handwritten story. I couldn't find the next instance of them showing up. I didn't go past when Troy spoiler omitted. I mentioned in a comment on the last jou…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Journal 8

Boy do I have a problem. I double-checked and I literally can't post this chapter (8) as is on any sites. Why not? Young anthro aliens are curious about the grown male human who can't keep himself in check. I can sit here and justify it all I want. "There's 4 young, female anthro "aliens" touching,…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Journal 7

Chapter 7 later tonight. Chapter 8 probably Friday. Woke up after an hour and a half of sleep with (insert reason and the way I fixed it here). Not a good morning and still not a good day. My (insert ongoing health issue here) has been bothering me all day as well despite taking my daily (insert ot…

WillemTobey’s avatar

My Fursona (Updated 4/23/20 to be cleaner and more precise)

I’ve never been a flashy person. I’ve kind of always kept to myself. I’m a Taurus so I always thought of having a bull fursona. I even have a modified Taurus tattoo. But, that only covers my stubbornness. And, at the time, bulls weren’t very popular. ‘Lone Wolf’ sounds cool and all, but was that me…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Journal 6

Posting Ch. 6 in 2 or so hours. coughs should'vepostedyesterday coughs *LIGHT SPOILERS AHEAD* The smex is...very...uniquely worded. I must've been pent up at the time or something. I wrote this filth at work. AT WORK!!! I did have to alter some things. I tend to forget things and people while I wri…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Journal 5

So I spent a few days recharging. Okay, I really didn't feel like writing. I watched a bunch of YouTube videos. I like watching videos about Fallout. I really loved the first two games. When Be-"It Just Works"-da took over, the tone changed - in my opinion. The first two games had a sense of "shit…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Journal 4

I'll post chapter 3 later tonight. I'm trying to coordinate them to where the most eyes will see them. When I go back to work, I'll have a schedule and it'll most likely be weekly releases. A lot of sites just don't have the traffic in the morning when I sometimes post. If I'm being real with mysel…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Chapter 2

It's coming soon. All finished and ready to post when people wake up. A little bit of spoilers. The dreams in the story are copyright my head. The first dream was that one, but instead of a large cat (spoiler in itself), it was my dog. Yes, I was actually shot at. Yes there was enough room on the l…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Journal 2

Short journal. Found a few pages of my story were completely ruined. Pretty sure I know why. Been four years and I still find something about once a year that woman pisses me off over. Moving on. I'll be rewriting those pages. I have 2 pages completely ruined and 1 partially ruined. It won't affect…

WillemTobey’s avatar

ABB - Journal 1

So, I learned that it did not in fact have three different beginnings. Just two. One went too far into Troy's backstory - in my opinion. I may revisit it in a dream or flashback sequence. I really didn't touch very much of this as I typed it up. I nipped and tucked here and inflated there. Otherwis…

WillemTobey’s avatar

I tried

I really wanted to get the icon finished for the magic using ferret Rius. I learned I cannot draw hands or magic. I was so irritated that I binge read terrible isekai manga. I'm going to put that on the shelf. Instead, I'm going to post the story I started back in 2015. When I dug it out of the box…

WillemTobey’s avatar

A Beast Learns To Live - Seppo's Language

Bear with me, grizz. I'm using Google Translate for Seppo's non-English speech. If you haven't guessed by now, Many of the characters have foreign names. Some of them have meaning behind them. Being that "Seppo" is Finnish in origin, I decided to make a few words Finnish. Below are the words and ho…

WillemTobey’s avatar


Welcome to my account here. I have already posted this story on FurAffinity, Inkbunny and SoFurry. If you've already seen them, thank you. If you're new to it, welcome. The journals I post might be repeats as well. There are going to be some grammatical differences from the chapters posted with the…

WillemTobey’s avatar

A Beast Learns To Live Character Profile - Viktor(?)

WARNING: POTENTIAL SPOILERS AHEAD!!! Wolf Man (Vilkas\Viktor\Darijus) - Main character. Male. Age 27. Appearance Height around 6’5”. Weight around 255 lbs. Muscular, but not absurdly so, build except the right arm. Eyes are hazel on the flat brown side - to look almost gold - that are normally squi…