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Laura M. / Alabama, US

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lokis’s avatar

Casting Kickstarter is live!

My studio expansion Kickstarter is now live! It's always been my desire to do more than just fursuiting. Casting (resin, prosthetics, props, etc) has always been something I've wanted to do, but lack of funding…

lokis’s avatar

Kickstarter Countdown

While I don't have a specific date in mind to launch, I'm hoping my studio expansion Kickstarter will be up in a week or so. I have a few sample tails I need to sew up and photograph, then polish the text a bit more, double-check everything...then it'll go live! What you can expect for rewards: For…

lokis’s avatar

Upcoming Kickstarter

First: I will effectively be unavailable from now until the 13th. I will have limited internet access as I'll be out of the country and what little I will have will be on a device that is not the easiest for general web-browsing, so please excuse any delayed answers to questions and project quotes.…

lokis’s avatar

Dottinghill - Need your votes!

I'm giving Dottinghill, a temporary tattoo vendor, a shot. They operate much the same way the community-voted t-shirt sites do, so I need some 5's to help get my art picked up. These are the two designs I have up currently: Serpentine: Heart of Brass:…

lokis’s avatar


I'm giving Patreon a shot. I really don't see a down side and as long as payment works as stated, it's a really good system. I like the idea of an organized "tip jar" that people can show their appreciation for all my work instead of a specific project, and I can offer goodies in return. My link: h…

lokis’s avatar

Dare to Draw Badly update

I don't think it's going to hit the minimum to get funded, but just in case... And the Tumblr for the drawings is: (warning: artistic nudity!) I still plan on doing the project if I don't get the fu…

lokis’s avatar

Dare To Draw Badly

I've tackled a huge personal project. I'm dubbing it Dare To Draw Badly. I've been stuck on a plateau due to not drawing much at all the last few years. The result has been I feel like I need to produce good work if I'm going to draw at I haven't been drawing. To fix that way of thinking,…