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Avatar for Cybill


Cybill / Sentient bowl of rice

Commissions: Sometimes
Trades: Closed
Requests: Closed
Cybill’s avatar

So far...

Uh hey guys, I know its been forever since I submitted anything to this site, but I thought about transferring and archiving more of my stuff over at Furry Life Online, but I'm unsure what to do yet. Life's been a little crazy on my end both career and personal soul-seeking shit aside, from 2020 be…

Cybill’s avatar

FA versus Weasyl

I'm not sure if its appropriate to bring this up, but yesterday, I've been noticing a bunch of tweets on my Twitter timeline of people expressing their slight disagreement regarding wanting to host their art either on Weasyl versus FA. The only thing is, FA is currently experiencing some technical…

Cybill’s avatar

I'm sort of back, plus some Further Confusion 2014 details

Uhh, so yea I haven't abandoned this account or anything but the lack of activity compelled me to start submitting new stuff again. I noticed the stream of account holders on Weasyl started to traffic on my Twitter timeline earlier, so I decided to check back what's been going on and people bitchin…

Cybill’s avatar


Hey dudes and dudettes!! So finally made an account on here, thanks to for the invite! I've been hearing good things about this site lately on FA, so I decide to check it out. So far its looking pretty kicking as people mentioned. I just hope its reputation doe…