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Settling by Eskiworks

My boyfriend and I have decided to renew our lease at our current apartment, despite the increase in rent. I'm actually really relieved, because searching for a place to live was taking a TON of time away from work and stressing me out to the max. What ultimately led to this decision was our inability to find a place that we'd at least me mildly comfortable living in, in the time allotted. A lot of the places within our price range were complete dumps. One place I feel bad for saying no to, because even though it was a really crappy place the neighbors were all so wonderful and friendly. A lot of the places that were in our price range and NOT crappy didn't allow pets, and I have a cat I refuse to give up under any circumstances EVER. And any places that were the perfect balance got taken before we could even go out to see the property. It was a mad rushing race that we never won.

We also know that despite the raise in rent, we are getting a pretty damn good deal for our unit. It goes for $100-$200/month more to new tenants, and we're getting it for significantly less as long term residents. Not only that, but the newer management company is really stellar! Our lease was actually a pleasure to sign it had so many good things in it. I can tell I'm going to be happy for the next 15 months, even if money is going to be super tight.

The fun part of staying here for another 15 months is going to be getting ready to find another place in a little over a year! We're compiling a list of rental communities that are more affordable, allow pets, and aren't shit-holes We'll have a list all ready, and start making calls months before our lease ends. Understanding that rent will go up everywhere in that time of course, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. We are also going to do a deep clean of our apartment, and get rid of much accumulated stuff. Being here for 6 years shows, as we've set in our roots pretty tightly. I love doing deep cleaning, I always feel so satisfied, light, and happy afterwards.

But for now, I need to get back to work in a big way. My life has had FAR too many disruptions, and I haven't had as many works days as I'd like. I feel like I've been living in a fog where only the very next minute matters. I'm looking forward to getting back into regularly scheduled work days.

Changes to come: I will be creating a Patreon soon! Absolutely non of the art I would normally post in my gallery will be behind a paywall, rest assured. Patreon is instead going to be the place to get extra art related goodies. I'm compiling a list of rewards and things to offer, and will likely be weaving in TeaFeathers content as well.

I am also going to give Picarto a try! I currently use Tigerdile, which is still my absolute favorite streaming site. And even though it's very cheap to pay for, I am looking to cut expenses everywhere I can. My Tigerdile account will stay active, and if I decide Picarto isn't for me I'll switch right back. Tigerdile will always have top ratings from me! <3

There may be other art related changes as I settle into paying this new higher rent, but I'm not sure what the future will bring just yet. Thanks everyone for sticking by me, now BACK TO THE ART! (and the tea)



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  • Link

    Glad to hear there were at least a few positive outcomes to the situation! I wish you both the best in the search for the next place to live, and I hope it will be a good selection.

    Also HECK YEAH to Patreon! I'm excited to see what you'll be creating for that (though I already have a good idea) :3

  • Link

    Oh! Hope that Patreon goes well! :3

    As someone who's graduating college in another year, looks like I have that apartment search to look forward to soon...

  • Link

    Sorry to hear that the apartment searching was so frustrating, and didn't even get you anywhere ... but it is good hear that you guys can stay where you are for now and keep little Loaf : > I wish you guys best of luck finding a new place when the time comes!

    Aha, speaking of 'deep cleans' I feel like I should do one of those myself soon! It can be refreshing to clear the old cobwebs out ... I have so much stuff I don't look at or use anymore, but I still have lying around??

    Oooh and I hope Patreon goes well for you!

  • Link

    Gah so sorry to hear you have been so stressed - I am moving too to a place with also limited selection I can totally relate with the dumpy places and expensive places. - I am really glad you will be able to stay and hopefully a little more stress free. I am sure your patreon will get you lots of support! hopefully enough to make up that difference in rent and expenses <3

    I am excited to see more of your art as always and have really enjoyed our chats as of lately <3 thanks for always being so kind and I am sending lots of good vibes your way!

    (also if you ever want to talk more about teaching or whatever you can always note me or whatever :) )

    <3 Agua

  • Link

    Glad to hear things are starting to settle down for you. I also can't wait for the Patreon.

  • Link

    Good to hear that things have settled down.

    Just wondering what your work days would be. I would love to catch a livestream for my artwork, but timezones always are an issue and I can't seem to recall any Friday evening/night livestream notification.

    • Link

      I typically work Monday through Friday, but the times are a little up in the air. I have a sleep disorder, so the times I'm awake vary greatly!

  • Link

    Good luck with future apartment hunting and projects! :) Moving is so hard and stressful, it's good you have more time to plan for it.

  • Link

    While bummed at the rent increase, Im glad to hear yall still have a roof over your heads and are looking at improvements for next year! Its awesome!