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Bicycle Update by Ryngs

The New Bike
The new bike has arrived. To all of you who helped me out I thank you. Between the donations and the commissions, you have made it possible for me to not only get back on the road, but do so with a much better ride then I had before. So, I deeply thank you all [Bows]

The new bike is a Bright Blue, and Black (My two fav colors), 21 speed Trek Dual Sport 8.2; 21 inch; Hybrid. With Trigger Shifters, SKS Commuter II Fenders, and a Bontrager Deluxe “BackRack” pannier rack... Its a lot of bike! It came with one year free unlimited tune ups/inspections at Phat Tire Bike Shops (which it had its first one today), a life time warranty from Trek.

It's SOOOOO Pretty!...

It is a much prettier, and “Faster” bike then my previous one. I am almost a afraid to ride it (Not really; I rode it today, got sun burnt). Still learning the gears, and it sits differently and weight half as much as my old bike. It rides like a dream. I can easily get up to 20+mph. Its almost like flying on a cushion of air. Almost...

Can't wait to put it through the my brutal daily riding.

The only thing missing is the Pannier Bags (40L). Which range anywhere from $65 to $200; over my limit, so it will have to wait till next batch of commissions. Unfortunately I can't use the baskets from the old bike as the set up doesn't fit with this new rack, but I will figure something out.

The Old Bike
My old Crusier (The Monster), has definitely seen better days. Using junk parts from my older vandalized/weathered bike (the one I had back at the cube), I replaced the front well, and tuned up the bike the best I could with the basic tools I have. It rides, but it is not the same bike. The peddles “Clack” ever turn, the front wheel is ever so slightly off (due to the fork and bars), so it has a “wobble” sensation at high speeds, the front fender rings like a bell when hitting bumps, because the brackets for it are broken, and the whole bike squeaks, groans, and feels heavy, and sluggish. I think the back breaks are dragging, as they are slow to release. Oh, and the seat support spring is damaged, so the seat pops, and one side slumps when sat on.

It is salvageable, its a tough bike, and ride-able at the moment. I will be keeping it around as a back up, and as time and money permits restoring it as best I can. Maybe replace the fork, handle bars, both wheels, and tires, and the peddle cranks. Remove and replace its beat up Pannier Rack, and the seat, and change the bikes set up from a “Cruiser” to a heavy “Comfort Hybrid”, but that is for another day.

Art Update
Now that most of this bike ordeal is over, I can get back to the studio, and get work done. I need to get caught up so I can sell more commissions so I can get to MFM, and MFF.

Damn this artist block!

Once again I thank you all for your support and your help in my time of need. [Bows Deeply]

Bicycle Update


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  • Link

    Glad you now have wheels again.

    • Link

      Me too. Grin

  • Link

    Very pretty. I still think you need a good, strong light on the front, though so you can see obstacles approach when it's not-so-bright out.

    • Link

      I have a head light, its a 1000 lumen Zefal lamp. It eats batteries, but its bright.

      The accident happened not because of lack of light, but because I was complacent, and not looking in front of me, traveling 10-15 mph. If I had been looking a head I would have been able to stop. If I was not complacent and confident that the path I took almost daily was clear and safe, I would have been going a lot slower.

      I am looking at eventually getting a 1800 or 2000 Lumen light, or another Zefal and going dual lights (but that doubles the battery costs). I got through an 8 pack of AAA batteries every 6-8 weeks, depending how much night riding I do.

      I will approach the darker/unlit parts of the bike trails with great caution now. Grin

      • Link

        So buying batteries is a problem for you. I'll have to remember that... sneaky grin

        • Link

          Ooookay?... [Raises an eye brow]

  • Link

    Excellent choice; practical and stylish. Oh, and great color! Almost the same shade as the HP Netbook I bought from Sam's Club about five years ago (of course I found a matching external hard drive for backups). Today's popular blue is little lighter, I think; more toward Cerulean.

    • Link

      I has ALWAYS been popular with me. [Grin]

    • Link

      Oh and thanks [Grin]

  • Link

    Good to hear the new bike has arrived. It looks great!

    • Link

      Thank you [Grin]