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Gargoyles, griffons or dragons? by Sparkyopteryx

Not a rhetorical question. You can pick more than one though (but not all three!). Also, convention art is in the home stretch so I'll be able to devote my time fully to commissions once again soon.

A rather brief status this time. I legitimately have not much to talk about, despite feeling atypically social right now. You can always treat this journal additionally as a "TMI Thursday" I suppose (since Tuesday was my weekend).

Hope everyone in your own neck of the woods are doing well.

Gargoyles, griffons or dragons?


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    I think ima go with dragons, although gargoyles are super badass as well. :D Good to hear you seem to be doing well, thank you for the concern too!

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      So far it seems like gargoyles are the top pick, with dragons at a very close second. Just as well gargoyles were my personal pick as well but since I haven't 100% decided on subject matter for the last two art show pieces I wanted to see what everyone's personal opinion was.

      I sure can't complain about my situation right now! Just got back from my weekend, which was preceded by a 7 day work week (tiring...) and camping at the end of this week so life isn't looking too bad. I've noticed things seem to be on the upswing for a lot of other people as well, which is a good thing.

      ...And I went and rambled. Apologies haha.

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        Eh, it is no problem, more fun to hear people ramble than if they say barely anything at all. :D Also indeed, sounds like a pretty fun time, except all the work though, thankfully I myself am not in quite in that stage of life yet, haha. Interesting that gargoyles are top pick, I kinda figured that dragons would take the cake since they seem so popular.

        Hmm, interesting that things seem to be going well for most people, I guess it's the feeling of spring that rejuvenates people. I myself am in a bit of a pickle right now though, but if I just can keep myself positive until summer/autumn things will be turning for the better.

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    I think you could make some really awesome gargoyles.

    Good to read that things are looking up for you. Hope things stay on that track.

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    All three are interesting, is the question which to draw or which do we prefer?
    Also, I would love to see some of your art at Balticon (google it). You can mail in art if you can't get there in person!

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      I'm leaning heavily towards gargoyles (naturally) but I was curious what the consensus was for other people.
      I know about Balticon actually! I've wanted to go for some time now (not enough funds sadly). That is actually a great idea, although it's a bit late for me to make some art for it this year since I've been so busy. But since I'm getting more into the public convention scene, I'll definitely prep for it next year!

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    Gargoyles can be in the shape of pretty much anything classically considered 'grotesque', so you can have both dragon and gryphon gargoyles!

    Pedantics aside, there's just so much design play available under the 'gargoyle' category to reasonably choose anything else. And I'd be a filthy liar if I spoke ill of the cartoon by the same name. :x

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      I was actually considering that possibility! Gargoyles have pretty much been one of my favorite creatures ever next to dragons. Although there was a period back in grade school where I used to draw griffons all of the time. Griffons encompassed literally 80% of everything I drew. After awhile I got so sick of drawing them I think the last time I ever depicted one was...almost a decade ago, hah.

      I agree, actually. There are so many different "forms" and depictions in both modern and classical art that it runs the gamut. That cartoon was part of my childhood and I'll freely admit helped cement my love of night flying fantasy creatures.

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    Gryphons. All about the gryphons.

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    I lean towards dragons. But there are draconic gargoyles.

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    Dragons and/or griffons

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    Drags N' Gargs