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????? by Sunes

Sooooo like. I recently followed somebody. I'm talking like less than a week ago. I haven't had any social exchanges with this person at all. But I tried to favorite one of their submissions, and apparently they've blocked me. The only thing I can really think of that would make them do that immediately is if they didn't like the content of my gallery--which is totally okay! I draw a lot of weird and gross shit (both for profit and for funsies), but... IDK. Honestly, if that is the case, all they had to do was be like "hey I don't agree with stuff you've done and I'd really rather you to keep away from me" or something. I'd have totally complied. Just to give me something to at least have a general idea of WHY they did what they did.

I've just always seen blocking as a last resort type of thing. If somebody is harassing you with no signs of letting up? Go for it. I've had to do it, too, though I generally only do it temporarily. Sometimes people need a little trip to the time out corner to think about what they've done. If it happens more than once, then okay. Three strikes you're out is my personal limit. I know that I'm in the minority here, but I guess I'm just really disappointed that there are so many people who jump the gun and just preemptively block somebody without giving them a chance to earn it. If somebody has a shitty track record, that's a bit of a different story, and if such is the case, then I'm all for it. But for a random person who hasn't even come close to tiptoeing the line of what you tolerate? It's just a little upsetting to me.

This isn't the end of the world or anything, but I just needed to vent a little bit. I really don't go out of my way to step on anyone's toes, and I'm more than willing to give people space if they need it. It's just super harsh to shun somebody at first glance. u ~ u



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    There was some guy on here that blocks anyone who just draws things he doesn't like... which is mysterious because how does this man expect to do business when he blocks potential customers. I'm almost wondering if it's the same guy.

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      I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if there's multiple people who do that, though. I understand being passionately against something, but trying to control who can and cannot follow you on a whim just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

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        Such a small w̶o̶r̶l̶d̶ fandom we live in. I didn't expect to see you both in the same journal!

        I think, at least for some people, it's because this fandom frequently houses both those who are passionate against the most minute of things and also those who don't understand basic social interaction. Therefore, you end up with a high concentration of people who are vehemently against something --- possibly even something small and mundane --- yet their only recourse is to aggressively block out everything in opposition instead of just speaking up in a civilized manner.

        Now I'm not saying this is the only case. In fact I'm all for using filters on websites to block out some content that I don't want randomly appearing on my screen while in polite company; however, actively seeking out people whom one would otherwise never interact with in order to actively and preemptively block them out seems a tad odd.

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          Yeah. I mean, I draw some questionable stuff sometimes, but I go out of my way to make sure that the touchier images are properly labeled so folks know what's in store for them if they decide to click. I've never really had any situation where I immediately pulled out the big guns, but then again, I'm extremely tolerant and it takes quite a lot for me to NOPE.avi completely.

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    I semi-recently had the same issue - someone I follow on FA, I found their Weasyl and went to follow it and NOPE THIS PERSON HAS YOU IGNORED. I was like what why? We've never had any interactions, positive OR negative or even just neutral, other than me faving their stuff on FA now and then. I suspect they are probably friends with someone who doesn't like me or has a vendetta/grudge, but I really don't know. Haha, I don't even remember who it was that this happened with, now. It was just very befuddling.

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    There may be a problem with that, I have come across this issue several times recently and even had a friend of mine ask them privately if I had done something to offend them, just to be sure. Both instances the person had no idea how it happened :x. Aaaand I just recently found out it happened again with one of them after they had unignored me haha

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      It just sucks because I have no way to contact them to ask. I really don't wanna get a friend to play messenger or anything, because they're not involved (and really have no want or need to do so). I've had issues with rogue clicks here and there on my laptop because the touch pad is extremely finicky, so it is possible that it's a mistake, but lol idk insert shrugging emote here.

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    I've had friends talk about this before, yeah. Fey might be right about it being an accident or problem with the site itself, for one. And I do know that some people just don't want to talk to people that aren't their friends (like a public-made-private use of the site?), or people are like "I don't like cats" and will block literally all cat sonas, etc. The fandom seems to be incorporating this "don't tolerate anyone ever" vibe when it comes to this strange preemptive blocking stuff.

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      They are clearly speciesist. #fursecution (Their 'sona is a rat, which is actually kind of funny.)

      I dunno man. I found out because I tried to favorite something they drew, and it told me that I couldn't because I was blocked. I unfollowed the person, and have no intentions of rectifying that... not that I could while being ignored anyway. I mean if it somehow was an accident, I'll have no hard feelings, but there's really no way to know what's going on over at their end.

      Like I've said above, I can totally understand being vehemently against something, but my galleries are pretty eclectic. I don't really have any real issues with most themes, so when people want to commission something along the more questionable lines, I'm down with it. For example, if the person was a rape survivor, I could understand being strongly opposed to anything involving it, but I do make a conscious effort to properly label the more touchy subjects so nobody will see something that they really don't want to see. The person did say that they were asexual on their profile (and made a point to say that they were "ornery" as well) so it might just be because I draw adult artwork. it_is_a_mystery.avi

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    Maybe they don't know about the feature that blocks only content we don't want to see? I have the filters set up in my weasyl preferences so I never see babyfur/cub/hardvore stuff. That way even if an artist you like draws stuff you don't like, you can still see the stuff that isn't offensive...

    Users coming from The Other Furry Art Site That Shall Not Be Named are so accustomed to having a shitty user experience they can't imagine coming to weasyl and finding all the fantastic friendly preferences that can be set on the site, and they resort to blocking users wholesale instead of using the filters?

    Blah blah blah, but don't feel bad. Keep doing what you're doing. The fandom is so fickle and irrational: the reason that user blocked you might be entirely incomprehensible to anyone except him/hersel!

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      ; u ; ♥

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    I tend to block people that I see being posted about on the Furry LJ communities, the really bat-shit ones anyways. And people that I see leaving weird trollbait comments on submissions (that one guy you see everywhere that never has anything good to say, and wonder why he even has a keyboard), so my blocklist is pretty substantial at this point. I don't want these people on my page, I don't want them as customers, and I don't want to see them around period.

    But yeah, you were probably blocked based on content because most furries are stuck in 2001 and don't realize that basically all sites- like this one- now have filters to block specific types of content. It could also be by accident, I have gone to quite a few pages of people I thought I had watched and didn't, for example. It might also be that they know someone who may have known you at some point and they said something negative about you? Depends on your history with the internet. It's so hard to say. You have always been nothing but pleasant and lovely on my page, and on other pages where I see your comments so I really don't know. :/

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      I keep mental tabs on the especially bad folks I see around, and if they try and contact me/commission me/what-have-you, I'll be civil but decline (or just flat out ignore them if they don't get the hint). I have exactly one person on my blocklist on FA, and it's a group that I can't tell whether or not they're trolling, but tbh I wouldn't be surprised if it was made in absolute sincerity. I do also have some URLs of people that I'd rather pretend don't exist blocked on tumblr, but for the most part I don't really deal with too much of that kind of thing. I don't know if I'm just lucky, or if I'm not really worth the trouble. Either way, I'm hardly complaining.

      It's possible. Tag blocking is basically one of the best things to ever be conceived for gallery sites, as well as blogs. And I have a laptop that just loves to rogue click on all kinds of stuff. I've unwatched people by accident, and in one case actually blocked a good friend of mine on twitter somehow??? There's really no way to know for sure, and I would rather not bother them to find out, because I can't contact them directly to even ask (and there's no way I'm going to rope in a third party to just be like "y u h8 me :(" or something haha).

      I used to be a shit on the internet as a teenager, but for the most part I wasn't actually that bad compared to some folks; Like I was unnecessarily abrasive, but I never told anyone to commit suicide or anything. Not excusing it by any means, but in the community that I was most active in at the time, I went by a different username. It's possible that it could be somebody that just doesn't like me these days, though. I generally keep to myself, but that doesn't mean that everyone is a-okay with me. I mean, I draw a lot of stuff that folks feel strongly opposed to, and for the most part I've expressed that having specific kinks doesn't make you a monster or anything by default (it's a label that's earned in my book).

      All in all, in a situation like this, opinions are opinions, and while I don't exactly agree with preemptive blocking, if that's what floats peoples' boats, then they're gonna set sail.