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I feel I need to apologize for my art block.. (depression?) by BlueNire

I wanted to write a formal apology for my art block.
I know you guys watch me for a reason, not for me to sit on my hands....

I've had this art block since January my attempts to draw since then has been like pulling teeth (although I manage to squeeze little things out once in a while), it's really quite strange.

I lurk on here to view the amazing artwork that I enjoy but there's a tiny part of my mind that wonders if that's making it worse?
Could it be? I don't know. I know I feel intimidated sometimes. Jealousy is a wicked, ugly creature and when I see others progressing while I'm standing still and decaying.... It gnaws on me...

I know saying that may make me a bad person... but I've got to be honest about it.

So, I don't know what to tell you, other than I'm so sorry.

My best guess is that this art-block has decided to piggy-back on my depression (whereas in my youth, my ability to draw had nothing to do with my depression- I still had retained that "art is a part of me! It is my breath!" mentality).

I've made an appointment and I'll be seeing someone for counseling.

I just wanted to say, thank you for all your wonderful support over all this time, DA, FA, Weasyl...
You're an absolutely wonderful community full of wonderful, and amazingly talented people.
I deeply appreciate you all.

As always, please take care and hopefully I'll get better so that I can give back to you.


I feel I need to apologize for my art block.. (depression?)


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    Hun, you have absolutely NO obligation to apologize. You don't owe your followers anything. And you especially don't have to apologize for depression or art block. They are out of your control and...well in the case of art block, happens to every artist at some point. It's frustrating for you of course but it's not doing us any harm. And if anyone tries to give you shit over it, please tell them that I personally told them to go choke on a dick c:

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      That.......ha! That actually made me feel a lot better! Thank you Sparta (Choke on a dick tho huh? hahahaha)

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        Hahah, good, I'm glad <3

        And yes. Choke on it. >:|

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    Look, we don't have to make an active effort to watch you. We just watch you so that when there's an update, we get to see it.
    That's all. We want to see updates when and if there are any. There's no need for guilt, and if anything,it probably only serves to worsen the block.
    So don't worry about your watchers, just worry about yourself. Or rather, try not to. Try something new; a new media, a huge sheet of paper, something to try and recapture the fun.

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      Bless you, and bless this comment, it is wonderful. Thank you dearly, Thaily!

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    Nuu, no need to apologize! I also watch you because you're a great person, and everyone draws in their on pace. <3

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      own* x)

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      Aaaaaaaaaaw Thank you thank you sooooo very much that means the world to me, Sakovri!!

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    You have absolutely no need to apologize, depression is an ugly, insidious thing that destroys even the best of intentions. I've been dealing with it for four years, and maybe have written one story in that time? It's hard, because the ideas come, but something in your mind is just turned off, can't do it if your life depended on it.

    I find this helps me a lot when I reach that stage of frustration, I hope it can help you not feel so bad about it also.

    Don't blame yourself, and I hope the counselor is able to help you out.

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    NoooOOOOOOO, never apologize for an art block! >__</
    Apologies are for when one does something wrong, and art-blocks and depression are things that are happening to you, not stuff you are doing onto others. You never have to apologize to anyone for these things, and we watchers, are owed nothing. 0 w 0

    Congratulations on having the courage to seek help. God knows it's damn hard to do for some of us, so kudos on taking that step and fighting for your well being. I hope it serves to lighten your burdens, and I hope you feel better soon. UwU

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    You don't owe me a thing. I get to feeling, myself, like, man, I ain't on here enough keeping up with people to keep solid friendships going but in the last several months I have been moving/with internet problems (finally done today with the internet problems as I now have a good connection on the farm), depression and all kinds of mental health issues to the point I just can't even some days, and I haven't been talking to my best friend who also has been in a lot of transitions recently, and I feel all lost and topsy turvy, and I am basically like, just screw-it. I'll pick up where I left off after I get a little more stability and if anyone has a problem with that, and no one is going to because good friends aren't going to be jerks about things like this, but if they did they can leave/drift away because I take pretty frequent time-to-myself because I need it. This (weasyl/fa/and I assume da) is a pretty passive-social-interaction-environment to begin with. People come and go as they got thing to share or to view and if someone doesn't show up for a while its assumed they are busy or need time to themselves for whatever reason.