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The Pain. by Ryngs

Not looking for sympathy. Just saying.

Wednesday morning before sunrise I was out doing my daily bicycle ride (10-15 miles). Most of the bike trail here is well lit with street lamps, and at that hour there rarely are any other people out on the trail, just the way I like it. The trail out towards the Mall, and Wal-Mart (ironically) is not lit; about 2-3 miles. Which this is where I was at, heading to Wally World for some groceries (I have baskets, and a panner mount allowing for me to carry as much as 70lbs).

In the gloom of the pre-dawn along this dark part of the trail, going at 8-12 mph, I made a mistake. I hesitated at a fork in the paved path, and made a turn a split second to late. My front wheel ran off the pavement into soft soil, my bike stopped rather suddenly, and I did not. I kept traveling forward, I eventually came to a stop, but not until I landing on the pavement on my left side, and rolling to a stop. The wind fully knocked out of me, and head spinning as the pain came flooding in.

I laid there in the dark cool night until I could breath again. My left side of my lower rid cage was throbbing with searing pain, and my left elbow burned, and my left knee ached. I am glad I wear a helmet or I might have injured my head as well... After a time I got up, took my head lamp of my bike. My elbow and knee were mildly scraped, but visibly swelling. There was no marks on my ribs, but they hurt more then any other injury almost drowning out the other pains. The pain was enough to make me very heady. I then checked my bike which other then a few scratched, a bent head lamp mount, and a dented cargo basket the bike was fine (All of which is repairable).

So, long short story I managed to get back home. Some bruising has developed on my left rib cage. I am pretty sure I fractured a rib, or at the very least severely bruised the rib. I spent the past 2 days sitting very still, and taking Ibuprofen. Doing anything has hurt, especially if it requires my left arm, standing, or reaching. Even sleeping has been painful. Additionally, I keep finding new minor bruises.

Today is much better. The pain is only present when I move to quickly, or lift anything, I actually got some sleep, and can move around with out to much discomfort. I will try and clean house and get some work done today (tonight), but we will just have to see.

So, ouch...


The Pain.


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  • Link

    I hope you're better soon, Ryngs.

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    I know from a bad accident my father had this year that if you land on your shoulder/ribcage the wrong way it is easily damaged. Hope you get well soon. :)

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    I'm an avid cyclist...
    If you take a spill and have any problems >24 ours later, see a doctor.
    Fractures are worse than a beak . . . think 4 to 8 months of riving pain.
    What kind of bike do you use? . . I have a classic Panasonic Villager II road bike (27"x1 1/4 wheels).

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      It turns out it was just a server bruising, with some torn muscle tissue. I have a 7 speed Schwin Cruiser. Its heavy bike, which means it gives me a work out to get up to meaningful/dangerous speeds. I would like a better bike something in a carbon fiber hybrid 21 speed, but those are $1000+ and I am poor. [sigh]

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        I know the feeling . . . I would seriously go for a new ride with disk brakes but for me that would be a 29er with custom options that would likely run in in the same price range or higher. I ride year round carry cargo (backpack) that can run in the 50lbs range.
        Glad to read the damage wasn't too bad. I if it's deep tissue expect it to be a nuisance for several months.