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Sighs a lot @ self by Sunes

I keep forgetting to make journals here I am so sorry. To make a long story short, I am having a lot of difficulty concentrating long enough to draw. I just can't seem to actually get anything done, and it's discouraging to the point that I've basically given up for the time being. I'm hoping to be drawing at least somewhat regularly before I take on any more paid work (obviously I'm not going to pile on commissions when I'm not even doing personal work).

For those of you waiting on me to open slots for something, I am really, truly sorry. I've been having a lot of issues over the past few months that I can't seem to straighten out, and it's bothering me because I miss drawing a lot. I appreciate your patience, and hope that you will continue to do so until I have some art to post. u o u"

Sighs a lot @ self


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    Aww that's okay!! I was wondering why I hadn't seen you on skype much lately. I hope everything works out smoothly and that you get back into the groove soon!!<33

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      Yeah I just haven't wanted to be social for quite some time, but it's also partially because my husband is leaving in October-ish to got to South Korea for like 9 months, so I'm spending more time with him than anything. I'll be around a lot more after that haha.

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    Sometimes a break from art is good anyway. Goodness knows sometimes I need it. And so do a lot of artists. Not because drawing isn't fun, but sometimes there's just too much going on, or you're working yourself to the bone with drawing and everything else. Usually, the moments when I do take a break, are the times when my juices refill, and I get really, really excited to start drawing again once I have the chance. C:

    Either way, take your time. Can't wait to see what you do next, but I'll wait quite patiently anyway. ♥

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      Oh gosh thank you for the kind words! In all actually, I'm weird and I find a lot of drawing tedious and really boring a majority of the time. Don't get me wrong, I do love doing it after all is said and done, but I find myself getting really bored (especially during line art) and if I could skip around to various stages of the drawing process, I totally would.

      I do agree with recharging though. It's not the first time I've had this happen to me, and my phases of not working on anything art-wise can last anywhere from a few weeks to a year and some change. It's kind of terrifying because it's hard to not fear regression, but when I come back I tend to look at things more critically than I did before. Like when drawing from references, I really pay attention to detail, and approach how I do things differently. It's refreshing to get back into the game at that point.

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    [insert heartfelt response about your big dumb cute face and your amazing art here]
    [insert comment voicing my willingness to wait because you are cool and worth it]
    [insert gratuitous hugging]
    /end code

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      face rub="panda face"//5xopen arms: embrace: squeeze: release

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        I can't hear you, speak up.

        (ps. if you ever want my phone number, you are welcome to it. I dunno if shooting random texts to people when you feel blah is something you like to do or not, but if so, the offer is there :>)