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Where did YOUR embarrassing dumb username come from? by RushEloc

I think a lot of people probably came up with their INTERNET ALIASES when they were, like, twelve years old and thought they were totally rad back then.

Mine came about when I was thirteen or so and really big on HARDCORE SUPER SMASH BROS MELEE. All the HARDCORE folks needed RAD handles for said game, but it had a four character limit. Eventually I met some guy whose last name was "Rush" so I was like, yeah, alright. That is sick. That is mine now. So that name stuck with me for a while, but eventually there came a time when I needed to go on FORUMS and DEVIANTART or whatever. Surely "Rush" would've already been taken everywhere! Such a simple name!

So what did I do, Weasyl? What COULD I do?

But then it hit me. A stroke of genius

I took my last name

and I turned it backwards


...How about you?

Where did YOUR embarrassing dumb username come from?


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    Furcadia! I was an otter way way way back in the day. Shoal was a good ocean-y sounding name. And then I needed help with the first name... so an internet boyfriend at the time (I was like, 15-16 or so) suggested Luca. And thus, a legend was born.

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    Leo Howler just sounds badass as fuck. Don't you dare deny it~ :D

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      I've never heard of a howling lion!

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    I was in my depressed emo phase and I felt like I had sold out so I took the term "exindividual" and shortened it, not realizing that it would look like a type of lettuse.

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      Perfect for sad salads.

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    I forgot the ES

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      You thought you would be multiple cookies, but no. Now you're not even one.

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    using your last name backwards is probably the best possible way to choose a username
    definitely nobody has thought of this before, yup.

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      Only the COOL PEOPLE

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    "Mine came about when I was thirteen or so and really big on HARDCORE SUPER SMASH BROS MELEE."

    .... stop making me feel old, you whipper-snapper :|
    <.<; >.>;
    As for mine, it just comes from one of too many variants of my real name that I use pretty much everywhere online be it in games or else >.>; <.<;
    Boring crow is boring.

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      Telephone username game.

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    Welp, soon as I became a squirrel, I just knew it was time to reimagine myself. I wanted to be hot, and of course I was a squirrel. I didn't want to take any chances on there being other "hot squirrels" out there, so I purposely misspelled it for hotsquirrl.

    • Link

      Girl you on FIRE.

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    I was studying chemistry at secondary school, and I had my own set of favourite elements so I made my username Tin, but wait that'd get all kinds of shitty tin-tin jokes, BETTER MAKE IT GERMAN! And so Zinn was born.

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      Actually I think I went with Zinn because I wore a lot of pewter jewellery with gothic motifs... and a lot of black.

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      Why'd you like Tin so much??

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        It's the main metal in Pewter Alloy which makes up 99% of easily discolourable jewellery they sell at Goth Shops for less than £5. c____c my fingers turned green wearing so many rings. I remember seeing a photo and I looked like the Dark Lord of Spook wave rap.

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    When I was little I used to watch Ren and Stimpy and I always loved when they said Jasper, that dalmatian dude's name. Years later when I got into anime I made your typical super cool dog OC and named him Jasper. I had to add "Claw" at the end of it for sites like DA and FA because of course Jasper was taken! Now my 'sona is a raccoon and Jasper has stuck with me ever since.

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      It's a good firm name!

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    I was one of those deviantART dog/fox/wolf artists who switched usernames every few months or so when I started being an internet artist. My nickname has been 'Boo' for a long time, and I was talking to an Australian friend on MSN one day and she was telling me about bogans. I can't remember which one of us said 'boogans' jokingly, but I liked it so much it became my next username and it was the one that actually stuck. The only place I didn't use it was on FurAffinity, because I managed to snag 'BooRadley' when I first signed up and I couldn't bear to part with that.

    • Link

      Where did Boo come from?

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    Mine was randomly generated by my brain when I was, like, 14 or something? I thought it sounded sufficiently cool and vaguely mystic-like at the time, and it just became my default.

    I've since learned that apparently nobody can figure out how to pronounce it properly and a lot of people think it means something dirty, but it's kinda stuck. Even if most people I'm close to just call me "Shake" now. So it's like I have a nickname of a nickname.

    • Link

      Shake is a pretty rad nickname nickname!

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    "Jintiuroh" was my shitty old Ragnarok Online character from middle school that I was just so ding dang proud of. I held onto it until it stuck since I always sucked at naming things, but nowadays I just shorten it to "Jinti" or "Jin", which makes me cringe much less.

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      I like how many of these just end up being shortened versions of earlier nicknames, haha.

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    Karl is just my name.

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    A friend gave it to me in the fifth grade. We needed nicknames for a game we were playing. I was Geemo and he was Qbert.

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      Haha, that's a pretty cute one!

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    basically I needed to think of a name quickly and Cedric sounded like something a dragon would have. But I was using a name elsewhere that prominently involved a "C" and I didn't want to make them seem related, so it became Sedric with an S. I am the most boring dragon ever, and this story does not discredit that claim

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      Can't even breath fire or anything!

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        can't breathe fire, can't fly. I'm letting the side down

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    Mine came from the fox characters in "Sonic Adventure 2 battle" and "Starfox Assault" for the gamecube. In both games, other characters occasionally refer to them as "foxboy". I started using that for all my games until I played one of my first online multiplayer games, which required me to pick something more specific. So I just added "prower" to the end, since it was another name used in the sonic game.

    • Link

      Huh, strange common thread!

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    I used Gaia and Halfgaia a lot... and then at one point I got lazy and just started adding 1234. And the rest is history.

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      I didn't know you could be a half a gaia!

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      I actually had half of yours figured out!

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        The other half is WAY dorky so I'm not surprised that nobody gets it! It's just a little bonus that is amusing only to me. :I

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    The name Tzologeist was something I heard in a dream I had. My idea was to call myself that in hopes that the REAL Tzologeist (somewhere) will take notice. However, I a not entirely sure how you spell that name, I just took a stab at it.

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    Oh, also, I was already an adult when the internet became a thing, so I was safely past making really bad choices in screen names.

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      It sounds like some kind of child-stealing ghost monster from some strange foreign folklore! I like it!