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My special eyes by Susiron

Okay so as mentioned in my last journal, I recently got a new pair of glasses after going 5 years without an update in prescription. The left eye felt fine after the adjustment, but the right eye just did not feel right. I kept feeling like the clarity of my vision was lopsided in favor of my left side, and I had this constant feeling that my right eye was somewhat bleary, even though the clarity seemed decent enough.

So today we went back to have it checked out and I find out that, without telling me, my doctor dumbed down the prescription for my right eye. Apparently, my right eye used to be better (once upon 5 years ago), but that there was a dramatic change and now the left eye is the better of the two. She felt that it was such a significant change that she decided to only give me a portion of the needed strength for my right eye so it wouldn't "overwhelm" me.

Without telling me about this AT ALL.

So I basically spent a week driving myself crazy over this, trying to decide if I was imagining the lens being messed up, and even worrying that there was just something straight up wrong with my eye.
But it was just my doctor fucking around with my prescription??? Without my consent or even a word to me about what was going on???

So um yeah now I'm back to my old pair while I wait for my new lens to arrive (I have astigmatism so they rarely have the right lenses in store for me) and let me tell you, it is not fun having a taste of clarity and then going back to a 5-year-old squint-fest.

So art delays may be a thing until I get this sorted out. 8I

My special eyes


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    Ack, astigmatism >.<

    You have all my sympathies. It's only ever since my last pair of glasses that my eyes have finally sort of "balanced" back to something more even. Originally, my right eye used to be relatively stronger than my left.

    I'm still not sure what to think of the fact that I technicallly have a greater level of myopy than my own father though(also, thank god for thinned lenses) :X

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      EHjgktrhyth yeah oh man thinned lenses are a blessing!

      I'm just so ticked though that my doctor just saddled me with a weaker prescription without telling me. Like-- having clarity in one eye but not the other is reallyyyy distracting and if my right eye needs a stronger prescription to be more on par with my left, then I want the stronger stuff; I don't want to feel like an off-weight balance 8I

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    I'm not sure if you'd like to, but i get my glasses from, ive had two pairs from there now, and they're lovely! I don't know if they have lenses for astigmatism, but i would assume that they do, they're a lot cheaper than eye doctor glasses, both of my pairs were $40 shipped each.

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      Hrmmm I'll keep that in mind but, I dunno, I kind of like going into a doctor for it :O

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        I just use it to get new frames, when i know my prescription hasn't changed. I still go to the eye doctor once a year but i like being able to get multiple frames to suit different styles, you can also get cheaper prescription sunglasses by getting them tinted on the site, that's my next purchase if i can find a frame i like enough to be sunglasses.

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    Astigmatism bros.

    I'm over here wishing you good luck!

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      -Fist bump- lD

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    Wow that seems really unprofessional of the doctor? I mean, gosh if you do any sort of work where you need high vision clarity that's really dumb to not even explain to them that, oh and btw we're dumbing down this one!

    Plus I know from past exp that when ever I have lopsided clear/fuzzy I get major constant migraines :| I've had my perception jump up and down a lot on both sides (like, needing stronger, then less strong, then nope they switched the one is better than the other! :| ) and never heard of them needing to dumb one down for the swap. Like, normally when I get new glasses, I'm like WHOA. HOW CRISP THE WORLD IS! AMAZING!

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      Yeahhh like I'm trying to think of the positives of her intentions, but I-- can't really see them?? Like, sure, it's hard adjusting to a sudden, large change in vision, but I'd rather adjust to a CORRECT prescription than settle halfway with less clarity :/

      Sameee. The more I was getting used to the correct, left lens, it just felt like the right was getting more annoying so I was starting to get headaches from it @ A @'

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        Yeah, I'm obviously not an eye expert, but it seems to me that having not strong enough/incorrect prescription is more damaging than helpful? The migraines were explained to me as that eye having to work harder to focus, and thus getting severely strained from the effort.. which doesn't sound like a good situation to be in purposely in the least, seriously.

        Hopefully you get the lens thing sorted out quickly ;w; having old/bad lenses is no fun!

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    Uh, I'd... look into malpractice charges if I were you? I mean, I might not do them, but it is probably worth investigating. At the very least, give a VERY strong instruction to your doctor to never do anything like this without discussing it with you again.