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No stream tonight, and probably not one next week either by stokerbramwell

Sorry guys! I'm just not feeling up to it. As for next week, I'm going to be embarking on a very, very long trip the day before the usual streaming time. I will keep you posted when I'm ready to resume the Spooky Stoker Show!

Apologies, guys! We will get back to it soon.

No stream tonight, and probably not one next week either


Journal Information



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    take care, mister batty.

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    I was gonna miss this weeks show anyway, but next week too? Can't blame you for wanting some rest.

    I look forwards to the next installment, as always. :3

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      Well, it's not so much I'll be resting, as I'll still be on the road. I'm HOPING that I won't be more delayed than that.

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    Hope you're feeling better soon, Stoker. I really enjoyed the Phantom stream, and hope to stop in, and hang out next time you're into it.

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      I'm glad you liked it. I'm definitely feeling better, I was just being SUPER antisocial that night for some reason.

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    Are you finding that you just can't kree like you used to? Well, that's natural. It's happens to a lot of bats as they age. Bat Dole knows what you've been going through. Got to the point Bat Dole couldn't hardly kree at all. Made him feel like 1/2 a bat. But that's when Bat Dole's doctor told him about Vampagra.

    With Vampagra it's was like he was a kid again. He could kree whenever the mood was right. He felt so good he went out and got him some fruit downtown. This particular piece of fruit wasn't quite ripe yet but to hell with it! Made him feel like young bat and man was it juicy. Not like that fruit he's got back home. All dried out and wrinkled... But we're getting off subject. So ask your doctor if Vampagra is right for you and get your kree back.

    • Link are so super ultra mega deep fired.

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      I never said this before but man do I wish you could favourite comments. <3

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      .> Where can I find some of this stuff? And..fruit, you say?

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    I've a funny feeling this was also part my fault.

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      Not so much! Sometimes I just feel like talking and sometimes I don't. x_x

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    I can rarely fit The Spooky Stoker Show into my schedule, but it's a nice thing you do. Also, I hope you have a nice trip.

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    hugs softly for a while :)
    It is ok to take a break and hope the moving goes easy and well without any bigger problems.

  • Link

    I'd missed that journal. I'm gonna miss the shows though. Anyway, I hope you trip is the good kind and you at least have some fun there!

    That's the important part ^^;
    Would have wishes to post here sooner, but the weekend has been all kind of crazy with family stuff and all o.o;

    Anyway, do take care!