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Artists? DON'T EVER FUCKING DO THIS by Shadderstag

A friend of mine recently commissioned an artist to do a $15 lineart for them. They got the lineart, thanked the artist, and then flat colored the linework because they wanted to.

Same friend then commissions another artist for a $20 lineart. They thanked the artist, and made the lineart into a full illustration.

Now the first artist they commissioned sees that they made the commission from the other artist into a full illustration, and has the fucking GALL to PM my friend and tell them how they think it's UNFAIR that my friend didn't turn THEIR lineart into a full illustration, even going so far as to try and make them feel guilty by saying something along the lines of "I guess my art just isn't good enough to warrant it."

So my friend feels bullied into turning this lineart, that THEY COMMISSIONED, into a full illustration. So they spent $15, to then turn around and be asked to make it into an $150 image. They basically paid to draw their own commission, for 1/10th of the price. How the fuck is that okay?

Worst part is this artist is going to get away with this because my friend doesn't want to cause drama, and I'm not going to white knight them. Hence why I'm not naming my friend or the artist. But boy am I fucking mad.

So to the public eye, it looks like my friend decided to just up and change the flat-colored lineart into a full-fledged illustration due to their own whim rather than because of being bullied and guilted by an artist they commissioned to draw something for THEM. After that? The artist should have NO SAY in whether the commissioner decides to color, or shade, or whatever the lineart THEY COMMISSIONED for their own enjoyment.

I am just so fucking angry. So I'm venting here. God just... never fucking do this, okay? Please? For the love of fuck.



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    That artist has some issues they need to address.

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      And to recognize its their problem and not someone elses'.

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        Right? Their insecurity over their own art led to them exploiting my friend, which is all sorts of not okay.

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          Just let your friend know that if someone does that to them its the other persons problem and to go to someone like you as soon as they feel pressured like that.

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            And like, you just can't please everyone its impossible, even if they didn't want that artist to feel hurt more hurt happens over all in both people if something like this happens.

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              I've been talking to them about this, and they said that their problem is that they're a pushover. No, it's not their problem that some asshole on the internet decided to bully and harass them. Like... no one is victim blaming here.

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    o.o P-people do that...?! I... I don't think I want to live on this planet anymore... there goes the fun in coloring line art =_= God damn... I'm so sorry your friend had to put up with that >.<

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      Apparently. It sickens me that someone could be that slimy about something like this...

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    well damn that's certainly not anyone I'd wanna commission. Your friend would do folks a favor to post a buyer beware about this artist somewhere. Sorry they got manhandled like that :\

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      My friend doesn't want to have the backlash come back onto them. This artist has 3k+ Followers :/

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    Any way I can be noted who this artist is so I can avoid ever giving them my money?
    That is awful behavior.

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    I would also like to know who this artist is, so I may avoid commissioning them with that attitude.

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    ok. placed in memory vault

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    I just don't understand people anymore... what bullcrap...

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    Holy shit that's shitty as fuck

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    This is truly awful.

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    W-ow. In the absence of identifying information, I'm going to imagine that this artist is very young and might one day look back on their behavior with deep chagrin. Not that there aren't entitlement babies of all ages in internet art communities, I just keep hoping.

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      From the information I could find, they're very likely in the age range of 25 - 30, and their portfolio shows that they've done work for a few different companies. From what I found looking through their Journals, they've had this attitude for years now...

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    just wanted to note, the commissioner does not in fact have a legal right to alter artwork they have purchased unless they worked it out with the artist. that aside, holy crap, that is inexcusable behavior.

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      I worded that badly. My friend had permission, but it still shouldn't be for the artist to say how much effort my friend puts into the collaboration.

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    Can you also note me the identity of said artist if you feel inclined to? I'd kinda like to know.

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    *happened to be checking out your journals :v. Note me this artist as well, plox!