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Bad News - Update on my dog. by KaceKitten

So, in regards to my last post, what we had feared most indeed ended up being the issue with my dog, Waneska.

Waneska has a brain tumor, and it most likely is cancer. We did catch it early, which is good. I should mention this is really only treatable, not curable, unfortunately.

We have some options, which I won't get into detail here. But we as a family will be getting more info and weighing in on the pros and cons. We want to do what's best for her, and keep her happy and comfortable for her remaining time.

Thank you to everyone for their support and continued support.

NOTE: Please understand I'm not seeking advice here, as much as it's appreciated. This is kinda up to me and my family right now.

Bad News - Update on my dog.


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  • Link

    My condolences. I hope she'll be able to be happy for the time she has left. :(

    • Link

      Thankfully she's a pretty cheerful dog. :) Thank you.

  • Link

    That sucks, I wish you guys the best of luck with it =)

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      Thank you! Unfortunately it's just slight life extension options, not cure alls.

      • Link

        I know it's not, I didn't know anything better to say ^^'

  • Link

    Whatever you and your family end up choosing, I don't have a single doubt that it'll be the best possible call you can possibly make. Your girl is in very caring and safe hands, and you'll do your best to make her remaining days are happy and pain-free as they can possibly be. Us animal parents always go above and beyond to do right by our kids, and you're no exception. =3

    I've definitely be keeping Waneska in my thoughts and wishing her the best.

    • Link

      That is super sweet of you to say, that really helped cheer my up. Thank you so much for those kind words. <3

      • Link

        You're extremely welcome. Wishing you the best, during these difficult times. <3

  • Link

    sends a hug Sorry to hear about your doggie. Spoil her silly!

    • Link

      Thanks. She always gets spoiled as it is, so no worries there, hehe.

  • Link

    My condolences to you and your family, I'm sure she's lived a wonderful healthy life so far and was lucky to be in your family, and you were lucky to have her as well. Whatever options you may choose, you will have whatever time remaining still to make good memories and cherish the time you've had together.
    You are in my thoughts. <3

    • Link

      Thank you so much, those are very sweet words. I really appreciate the support, you have no idea. <3

  • Link

    I'm so sorry to hear. This last summer in July, my cat who I had for 17 years died and it was really hard and my dog followed not long after, very unexpectedly.