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Blehhh by Susiron

Okay so on top of being increasingly sick (hello mucus cough) our power has now been out for almost 48 hours thanks to icy rain.
The worst part is that our neighbors RIGHT across the street are on a different power grid and ALWAYS have power so we get to watch them enjoy power while we can't even flush the toilet or use any water because our well doesn't work without power.

Thankfully, we have a generator hooked up to a few things-- including the laptops and router. Unfortunately, the internet is just fast enough to not be useless, and just slow enough to not be able to play any music or videos efficiently-- or at all.

So I've just been hanging out in a blanket cocoon, watching movies. Which is problematic since I was planning to do more streams for food money for the con (but now my computer can't handle them-- and the con is like a week away 8I)
So probably gonna force myself to sit down and do some adoptables or something ahhhh

Also three of my fish died from the chill; my betta, Victor, and my two emerald cory catfish, Macky and Ferdinand :C
I'm really worried about my quaker parrots so I have them both in the same cage (while they normally have their own) so they can snuggle in the same cloth burrow and keep each other warm. They're also downstairs (currently the warmest place in the house, while it's usually one of the coldest) with three blankets on top of their cage so I'm hoping that they won't get too cold if this continues.

My room is generally cold to begin with (I always cover them with one blanket each just in case) so I'm hoping they're at least a bit used to it.
I feel like the basement hasn't changed TOO much in temperature, but it's hard to tell because it just feels warm compared to every other place in the house.



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  • Link

    Oh no :c

    I hope the power comes back and that your birds will be ok.

    And I'm sorry about your poor fish

    • Link

      Thank youu c:>

      And it just came back on tonight! We're all warm and toasty now ahahhahahaha

      • Link


        Stay warm ok? It's not good for you to be cold while you're sick ;w;

  • Link

    Oh no! I'm so sorry about your bettas. Our betta died prematurely, too, they're very sensitive fish in terms of living environment. And I used to live somewhere with long power-outs too so I feel your pain. I hope it comes back soon :|

    • Link

      Awwww sorry to hear about yours too :C

      And thank you! It just came back tonight! 8D

      • Link

        I'm so glad it came back! Though sorry it took so long. And I'm happy to hear your birds made it through! Hope you didn't lose too much fridge/freezer food--it felt like every time we had a big power out it was right after we'd gone grocery shopping, heh.

  • Link


    But oh my god. I'm so sorry about your fish. ;~; Aaa. My condolences. <3 I hope your other pets are okay. (Do you have any space heaters? My parents don't keep this house very warm, and they're a big help.)

    ...Amusingly, though, I was listening to the open song from Frozen when I read this - you know, when they're talking about how cold ice is and shit. I THOUGHT THAT WAS FUNNY even if your fish dying isn't funny oh god that's horrible fffff

    • Link


      c: <3

      Yep they're all good! We didn't really have any of those, but the power just came back tonight so we're all good now!

      and LOL

  • Link

    Oh man! I was stuck like that for 6 days (no power, no heat, no hot water, no generator, no electricity, and I was sick) I'm worried for your birdies too. All I have is a big fat cat (and he was my heater during the cold, Walrus-cats have excellent heat source). Hopefully those blankets and themselves will keep them toasty enough until the power comes back on. Urgh damn cold weather.
    Poor fishies! My condolences go out to your poor fishes.
    Hopefully the power will turn on quickly for you. Everyone deserves to be warm during the winter. It sucks the convention is so close too.

    • Link

      Mhmmm they made it through safe and sound, thank you for your concern! c:

      And the power is on finally! :D

      • Link

        Oh thank gods! So glad to hear it. Poor birdies ;A;
        Happy you're warm(er)!! Hope you can make some food monies for the con in time!

  • Link

    Sorry to hear that about your fish. :(
    I hope you feel better soon!

    • Link

      Thank you c:

      Me too oh man!

  • Link

    Ohhh, I'm so sorry about your fish! :C Hey, you want a small donation to food money? I can drop $5 onto your paypal for ya if you could give it to me!

    • Link

      Thank you very much for your offer, but I'm really not comfortable receiving donations C:>
      Seriously thank you though <3

  • Link

    Good luck, I'm really sorry about your fish's hoping your birds will be okay.

    • Link

      Thank you c:
      And mhmmmm! Power's on and they're a-okay! :D

      • Link

        That's awesome!

  • Link

    Oh gosh, I hate being in situations like that. I'm sorry to hear about your fish as well D;

  • Link

    I get power outages all the time here, but the longest they have ever lasted is 2 hours. (and its not from the ice)
    I'm sorry about your fish D: but I hope your birdies can stay warm enough ;3;

    • Link

      Oh man you are luckkkkyyyyyy!
      And they did, thank you for the concern! ; u ; <3

  • Link

    If you can manage to heat up some uncooked rice, stick a baggie of it in a sock and put it in the birdcage. It acts like a hot water bottle and will provide a heat source.

    I'm so sorry about your fish. :c

    • Link

      Ohhh man that sounds like a good idea :O
      I'll keep that in mind for the next time the power goes out, thank you! :D

  • Link

    Its been freezing here, I got my parakeets wrapped up with a blanket wrapped around their cage.

    • Link

      AHHHHH hope your bird stays safe!

  • Link

    I've heard some bad stories about east coast cold and power loss. Is that where you are? We've been having a drought here in CA. I hope you and your birds will be ok. Maybe you can find a small battery powered heating pad for the birds? Or the heated uncooked rice that Meris described. Anyway good luck. I hope your power comes back on soon.

  • Link

    I hope the power comes back soon and that your birds are a-okay. I would hate for anything to happen to your feathery friends! and I'm sorry about your fish. regardless of what they are they're are still hard to lose despite how most people seem to think it's n b d. ;^;

  • Link

    Mhmmm they made it through safe and sound, thank you for your concern! c:

    And the power is on finally! :D