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man they don't know what they're missing by Mazz

All the people too stubborn to come join weasyl just don't know what they're missing. This site is smoother and actually can be used on your phone. Omg stubborn babies.

man they don't know what they're missing


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    Just like stupid furries, "This website is really insecure and buggy and has terrible leadership, BUT IT'S WHERE I'VE ALWAYS BROWSED MY PORN SO I CAN'T JUST LEAAAAVE"

    headdesk Yes, yes actually you can. I cannot believe people think they owe a free to use website some sort of loyalty.

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      Right and it's not that hard to look at art here and FA. I'm on both sites, tho when I'm on my phone I just nuke everything on FA cause it's a pain in the ass.

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    I knowww checking this site on my phone is the best ;; !! I just want like no thumbnails on the front page unless you like opt in for thumbnails yeah other then that I really love this place omg /sobs

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      The thumnails don't but me because they're not totally broken like on FA.
      Though if this site does make an actual phone app for this site that would be a cool feature.

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        aa that would be awesome too ; v ; I kinda wish they had adspace here as well but idk where it would look good and I like the layout as is lol

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    It's to much work for them to make an account here.

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    Furries: We know drama. You'd think it be our motto, or at least FA's motto lately. XD

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    To say nothing of all the giveaways and discounts. Like, holy crap, they are seriously missing the boat here.

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    I know some artists haven't left because their livelihood is at stake, but they want to. And I hope they can make the move soon. But...

    I am more than happy if all the rude assholes stay over there right the fuck where they belong. They and Dragoneer deserve each other. May they all go down together on that sinking ship that is FA and leave us all the hell out of it.

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      I post at both but this was more for the people shaming artists when they move

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    Unnnngh I know! I've been so happy since I moved over here <3 I don't even care! Best place ever.

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    I've started using this place a lot more than FA, It wasn't really hard to change since most of the people I watched moved here haha. But yeah some people are just ridiculously stubborn with poor excuses to boot.

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    I KNOW RIGHT? When I first went on Weasyl with my phone I nearly died of happy. It functions so great!

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    I've been happier here than ever on FA. I don't get journal floods of auctions, nor do I get really jerk-tastic comments on my submissions

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    I honestly understand why a lot of artists cant leave FA just yet. They've build up a HUGE customer base over the years there and, as much as I love Weasyl, FA still gives artists more exposure. I hope that more people will come over to Weasyl to help build up the numbers that artists need to feel comfortable here.

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    I wish we could favorite journa-

    Oh wait. B)

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    Word for word what I say about people and SoFurry :-P

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    Yes! On my phone right now. FA is awful on the phone

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    I've found that a lot of the people pitching a fit over not wanting to join this place and thinking that their favorite artists are somehow "mean" or "punishing" them are a) entitled as shit, and b) think that you can ONLY be on one or the other and not both. I'm guessing it's some kind of loyalty issue or something? Or just plain ol' laziness.

    Though I've been considerably more active here than FA right now 'cuz yeah this site is so much easier to navigate, look at, and the admins actually listen!

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      Those comments bother me. So many self entitled babies.

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        It's really disturbing when you think about it. Someone accused of rape, yeah, blahblah, and now all the people upset that people are uncomfortable with it want to... command artists... to do what they want... even if it's against the artist's wishes...

        The implications REALLY. REALLY. scare me.

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    All this place needs is a way to like comments like the THIS system on the FA forums.

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    I like it too! idk why but it feels more cozy than FA. My only complaint is I don't have much stuff to upload.

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    That is the BIGGEST thing that I love about weasyl--it actually has a GREAT MOBILE INTERFACE!!! Aaagh. I like it so much better than the outdated FA.

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    I myself REALLY enjoy Weasyl over FA as well. Fantastic improvments above all else! This is a chilltastic place to which I think should be mentioned moar.

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    I do like the fact that Weasyl has 'Folders'. Makes it a damned sight easier to navigate around someone's art.

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      It so does.

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    They can just stay there. We don't want it, they can keep it. /shoves fA over a waterfall

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    If Weasyl continues to improve, and take user suggestions and actually implement them, it will gain even more of my respect and sometime I might actually migrate completely instead of having a foot in both camps.

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    Makes a rainbow with his hooves Complacency...

    furries has it.