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Get to know me meme by WinterSoul

Usually I don't jump on board with Memes, but I've been having fun reading this one on other people's journals. Plus, I'm so introverted, I know it's really hard for others to get to know me, so it's a good attempt to open up a little! Feel free to ask questions that haven't already been answered here :3

What's your real name?


What names do you go by?
Crystal, Winter

How tall are you?


What's your natural hair color?


What's your eye color?


What's your orientation?

Straight. I've never really thought about specific terms, but recently found that demisexual describes me well.

Are you single, taken or undecided?

Single, not really looking either.

What do you do in your spare time?

Caring for the animals in my life. Learning takes a good chunk of spare time too. It's a variety of subjects - gardening, herbs, philosophy, the esoteric, new avenues for casting, animals, etc. Also, barefoot hiking!

What's your job or occupation?

Illustration is my main, full time job. On the side I take oddball jobs too.

What do you like about yourself?

I do my best to be friendly, helpful, and open to others. Being fit enough to be able to move freely, (that is being flexible, walking, climbing, etc.). I also have vivid dreams almost every night.

What do you dislike about yourself?

The introverted tendency to quiet down too much when people are around. Not being able to speak up or stand out. Sometimes I look for approval from others a little too much. I'm also very stubborn with change, even when the change is to my advantage.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?

Not sure, never asked! Probably my long hair or how quiet I am.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?

Hm, that's a long, drawn out answer that I don't usually share unless it comes up in one on one conversation. Personal spirituality is a large part of my life, and while I don't follow a religion, I do have a set of beliefs, practices, and traditions which I follow.

Do you drink?


Do you smoke?

Nope. Unless you count the incense smoke. :(

What are your major fears?

There's a ton of anxiety surrounding my friends and family being safe or going away. Mostly horrible possibilities of "what if" questions are what plague me.

Do you have any dreams or goals?

The main one right now is to become financially stable and self sustaining. It would be great to one day be able to be financially stable with my art, while still making art that's meaningful to others.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Yes? This seems like an oddly worded question, I imagine almost anyone who has tried dating could answer yes?

Who's your best buddy?

My closest buddies know who they are <3

What's your favorite dish?

I've no idea. Anything with squash, I think.

What's your favorite drink?

Water, nothing is more refreshing! Plus, without water, how would you make tea, my next most favorite drink?

What's your favorite color?

Mostly electric blue and other variations on blue. But I also really love deep earth tones and light cream colors.

If you had a super power, what would it be?

I would love shapeshifting! In actuality it would probably be invisibility, which isn't as great as it sounds.

What's your favorite movie?

I'm not very enthusiastic about movies, basically watch them once and am done. There are a few movies that I'll happily watch more than once, mostly twisted comedy like Monty Python, or beautiful animations like Miyazaki films or Secret of the Kells.

What's your least favorite food?

Heavily processed food. Can you really count that as "food"? D:

What's the last meal you want before you die?

Ask me right before I die.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?

My car is one of those top secret invisible cars. The kind you don't put gas in... or drive. Seriously though, it has taken me forever to muster up the courage to learn driving again, and financially speaking, a car is the last thing on my mind. If I did have a car, maybe a Subaru.

What is your most disliked bug?

I love creepy, crawling critters!

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?

People checking email/cell phone messages while the person they're talking to is trying to say something, (if it's not related to the subject matter). It already takes a lot for me to speak up, so if it seems like the other person isn't listening, I'm not going to keep talking. That and people who don't pick up their dog's poop in the park.

What do you dislike in life?

Well, now that I have the dog poop thing on my mind... Debt, student loans, the banking system, awful things surrounding food and environment/water, more student loans, abuse of animals and other human beings, snide remarks about how "expensive" art is, gross guys hitting on me when I'm trying to go about daily life, family squabbles... all of those things make my blood pressure rise. But also finding a steaming pile of dog poop at my feet when I'm on a walk in a public park.

What do you enjoy about life?

There's so much to enjoy! I'm constantly amazed at the kind of experiences that one can have through the physical, human body. Everything from the colors we see, sounds we hear, touch, taste, etc. As hard as relationships are, I'm thankful that I've experienced many kinds of relationships. I'm constantly surprised by what those relationships bring, and constantly humbled by the kindness others have shown. Personally, right now at least, life feels like an unfolding story in which I have no idea what will happen next. That in itself is pretty exciting and enjoyable if you ask me!

Get to know me meme


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    Have you seen the BBC show Misfits? It's about a bunch of teen delinquents who wind up getting super powers in a freak accident. One of them gets invisibility, but he can only use it when no one's looking at him. xD

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      Haha, now that's a bit of hilarious irony! I'll have to look that show up xD

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    I can't stand when people are looking or playing on their phones while you're directly talking to them. I see it no different than reading a news paper, if you wouldn't hold a newspaper up to block a person talking, why would you do the same thing with a smaller electronic device.
    I normally stop talking and wait for them to look up. Eye contact with me is very important when I'm communicating which obviously phones take it away.

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      Yes, exactly! I think the newspaper analogy describes precisely why it's a pet peeve for me. And I agree, eye contact is so important, there's so many subtle communications that go through the eyes and body language which is cut off when someone is hunched over staring at their phone.

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    I sympathize with student loans, arhaghugugh.

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      Sorry you have to deal with student loans too! It's a rough topic for far too many people :(

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    The first thing I noticed about you WAS your hair actually! I was like "'nother long haired girl, must say hi." And it ended in us being friends, so yay!

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      Haha, thank you hair for finding awesome friends! I'm thinking long hair must have a mind of its own xD

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