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get to know meme by yama

From artdecade since I think I got a bunch new watchers and people who've never seen my stuff before following!

What's your real name?

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?
supah gay

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Been with dwudles for.... 6 years???

What do you do in your spare time?
Hang out with coworkers, furry stuff, and lots of Dota.

What's your job or occupation?
Animator/Artist for video games.

What do you like about yourself?
Super cool and even temperament. Very hard to get me mad or upset about anything.

What do you dislike about yourself?
I can't focus on one thing too long sometimes :< I get bored with a piece pretty easily if I take too long.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
I get a lot of people saying they didn't expect my voice to be as deep as it it...?

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?

Do you drink?
Not regularly, but I will casually, and sometimes binge on special occassions.

Do you smoke?
no, never. My parents did that enough for the both of us.

What are your major fears?
That I'll never improve past today.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I feel like I'm pretty unambitious compared to other animators, but all I really want to do is go indie and be a stay at home dad.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Lots of really stupid unwarranted MS and HS crushes.

Who's your best buddy?
Dwudles is not only a great boyfriend, but just a fun companion in general. I can talk and joke around with him about anything.

What's your favorite dish?
Anything home made from my aunt. Usually boring vietnamese rice and meat but I don't normally get that and nostalgia is a powerful force for my palette.

What's your favorite drink?
Iced Oolong Tea

What's your favorite color?
Used to be really into green... but now I just have colors I dislike, more than ones that I like (Purple....)

If you had a super power, what would it be?
x-ray vision.... B3

What's your favorite movie?

What's your least favorite food?
I'm not that picky an eater, as long as it's prepared somewhat well.

What's the last meal you want before you die?
Lots and lots of snow crab legs with clarified butter and cheddar bay biscuits.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
n/a and I would really like to drive another BMW I guess? My dad sells them and it's the only reason why I would ever get one.

What is your most disliked bug?
all bugs. Tolerable ones are the ones that go reaaally slow and don't bother people, snails and worms and shit.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
People who take themselves too seriously, picky eaters like they literally go to a restaurant and panic cause they can't find something they like.

What do you dislike in life?
Waking up early in the morning... __

get to know meme


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  • Link

    Also interested to know your first impressions of me? Comment below and share :>

  • Link

    your voice IS deep!! i agree about picky eaters, i feel like it shouldn't annoy me but it totally does!

    • Link

      You're not alone. Overly picky eaters annoy the crap outta me. Or rather, it bothers me when they strictly refuse to try new things--even if it's just occasionally. It's their prerogative, but HOW BORING!

  • Link

    My first impression (which hasn't changed) was you seem like a super chill and positive person. And that I wish I was as good at drawing as you. :P

    • Link

      Dawww thanks man :) yeah my philosophy right now is just to be chill at every moment unless my or someone I love is in danger

      • Link

        More people should adopt that philosophy.

  • Link

    What videogames have you worked on?

    • Link

      iOS apps mostly nothing interesting I promise :3

      • Link

        Still p cool dude. What kinda games would you like to work on?

        • Link

          Indie stuff! Just wanna work with a really small team, and make stuff that we love. Currently I'm not in love with my products but it pays the bills...! I did molyjam last year in SF and it was a lot of fun, plan to do it again this year.

  • Link

    Who do you main in dota? I like watching matches but actually playing the game gives me hella bad anxiety.

    • Link

      I don't main any one hero, cause you get better the more you know how ALL the heroes work... But when I play seriously I mostly support just because in the most inexperienced within my group of friends. I like playing venge, slark, and wind ranger tho

  • Link

    I don't main any one hero, cause you get better the more you know how ALL the heroes work... But when I play seriously I mostly support just because in the most inexperienced within my group of friends. I like playing venge, slark, and wind ranger tho

  • Link

    I didn't realize you had game credentials! And also that you're an animator? And have indie game aspirations!? v Wow man, mucho admiration.
    I wish you the best of luck!

    • Link

      Woot! You got to know me! :> I art directed and animated this I had friends do a lot of the illustration/background work though.

      • Link

        Aw dude I'm proud of you :D. That is super cool and I'm jealous/impressed. May I ask what engine this was made in?

        • Link

          Cocos2d, I'm not a huge codery guy though, so I dunno if that was the best solution for what we wanted to do it in.

          But seriously though it's nothing too impressive, you should try and find a game jam near you and pair up with a coder cause your pixel stuff is seriously charming.

          • Link

            Aw heck I'm impressed you got legit game work on your resume! And the visuals are fluid and stylish <3. Good stuff, man.
            I would love to get involved in games in some capacity, for sure! I'm still relatively green to the whole pixel-art scene but I love doing it and can render pretty quickly at such a low res.

  • Link

    Yeah your voice was a lot deeper than I imagined! My first impression of you was that you were super-buff. Basically that you looked like Elias IRL haha

  • Link

    I've been watching you since the beginning of time. I had no idea you were chill too.