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Site Tips, User Recommendations, and Raffle Results! by zuckerdachs

Thanks so much to everyone who participated in my raffle this morning! Had some genuinely wonderful entries from people, and it makes me so happy to see other users so enthusiastic about poking their ways around the site and learning the ropes. Hopefully some of the pointers and recommendations down below help someone learn a new thing or find a new artist they like. :)

The tips and comments!

  • QTMelon: The forums have a Sketchbook section. Great for keeping a diary of works and WIPs for people to see

  • Ransom: There's a guide to markdown formatting here.

  • Surreal: The active stream section on the bottom of the frontpage, I've found so many good artists just by seeing their streams.

  • StormyChang: Still trying to figure this out, but being able to post your commission prices on-page instead of making a new price sheet every time you tweak something is amazing.

  • martinni: This place is simply amazing, I just loooove the character and collection features, is really well made for this furry fandom, artist, fursuiters, or watchers who like to consume art. Also, is way to easy to show the commissions prices <3

  • sphrog: If you have a greasemonkey-type addon for your browser, there are some handy userscripts available for Weasyl, including this one, which adds titles to most pages (making navigation much easier):

  • Daigo: An awesome feature that I recently discovered thanks to friends was that you are able to actually rotate what submission you want to featured on your profile. You can have it randomly rotate through your images and or a specific folder each time someone visits your page so the featured submission always changes!

The recommendations! (Not all are SFW)

treasureboxsky matsurika pencilcat mehenartwork quaedam

shibara nadiavanderdonk hardrockangel twistedteeth squareheart

antidarkheart vaultech witch owl artofmarc

I assigned each person a number based on comment order, and rolled up sphrog!
HOWEVER, because he is kind of at an advantage for receiving art from me anywayyyy, he immediately withdrew his entry and asked me to roll again. So thanks to his magnanimousness, the official winner this time around is:



I'll doodle something up for you soon. :3 Thank you for everyone's delightful entries! I hope I can do another raffle like this soon.

Site Tips, User Recommendations, and Raffle Results!


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  • Link

    Grats Ransom ^^

  • Link

    We're still makin this page to grow and get better :3
    Also, congratz to the winner <3

  • Link

    Congrats to Ransom and thanks for doing these kinds of things to spread the word and inform new users!

  • Link

    Oh, hooray! Thank you very much. :D

  • Link

    Daarn. but sooo awesome XD Congrats to ransom!